Be Yourself Blog Reading Room

Click on any link below to read my post for free

Carl Godlove
Be Yourself Blog
3 min readDec 6, 2018


Ahhhh… Fabiola Peñalba knows how to get comfy with a good read

First time here? Scroll to the bottom to read “Why this Post*”

Returning? You know what to do. Scroll down, find a post, and get clicking!

“Open minds and open hearts, taking action in good humor, is worth growing.”

TAKE ACTION (#action)

Why Babies Don’t Need Coaches
What Matters (NEW - Feb 18)

*Why this Post

Right to the point:
You can access ALL OF MY POSTS FOR FREE, regardless of your Medium membership status, by coming here, to this post, to access them.

A little more info: readers can either be free or paying members ($5/mo or $50/yr). authors have the option of posting both free content and content created for Medium’s Partner Program. Most of my content is published in this program for reasons explained below.

Content published for Medium’s Partner Program is referred to as “locked” (behind a paywall). “Locked” content is open to all paying Medium members. Non-paying viewers are limited to reading three (3) “Medium Partner Program” posts per month. HOWEVER, Medium provides a way for authors to grant unlimited access to their readers, regardless of their paid membership status. It is a special link (Friend Link) we can generate and freely share for our posts. This unlocked post (Be Yourself Blog Reading Room) lists all of my posts on, hyperlinked with those special links so you can view any of my posts, at any time, by simply coming here to access them.

Why I’m on and in the Medium Partner Program:
My goal with (my original blog site) has always been to positively impact as many people as I can reach. gets over 80 million views monthly. Obviously, I could never get anywhere close to that with my site, so my intent is to simultaneously move that content here while expanding it. My original site will support the mission in other ways over time.

Medium curates stories for promotion based on popularity and engagement. Related to this, and to accelerate content generation, they created the “Medium Partner Program.” To entice authors into the program, they offer a nominal compensation based on engagement. For most, myself included, it’s enough to treat you, and maybe a couple friends, to Starbucks. But even though the monthly earnings are typically tiny, I must say, it feels good to get tangible feedback. So I think it’s a good model.

How Medium works — what you should know when you read a post
Medium gives posts more visibility based on popularity as judged by:

1) the number of claps a post gets (each reader can clap up to 50 times for any post — see the hands on the left side and at the bottom of posts),

2) the number fans a post has (the number of readers who clap), and

3) reading the post versus clicking through it (Medium keeps track of the number of times a post is read (see the read time estimate for each post), versus simply viewed — I assume that “reads” rate higher than “views.”)

Thank You!
If you’re this far, you’ve read most of this post. Thank you for that and thank you for being open to a message I think is worth spreading:

Open minds and open hearts, taking action in good humor, is worth growing.

Come back often to explore what’s new and please share your comments to add your voice! Comments are “clappable” as well, and they’re your claps when they’re your comments. So let’s get reading. And let’s get the word out!

Always grateful,



Carl Godlove
Be Yourself Blog

I try to leave people a little better than I found them, and inspire others to do the same.