Archive of stories published by Beck Lorsch

An app a month: January (Weather App using’s Data)

I was watching Figma’s launch video when I saw something. They used a weather app as an example. It didn’t seem that hard, so I modified the design a bit and produced a design using their app.

An app a month: October - December (My big project)

Since I released HeadlineTV in August, it has hit over 3000 downloads. That’s a lot for me and it’s around twelve times more than all the other apps I’ve released combined. Besides working on some updates for it, I’ve been working on an app…

An app a month: August (Releasing an App)

This month I released my May app of the month, RSSTV. I rebranded it as HeadlineTV…

An app a month: June-July (Update)

Here we are again. I just want to give an update on what’s been going on.

For starters, I have been traveling quite often the past two months and have not had much time to work on an app. Second, I have been working on a my first freelance…

These were the top 10 stories published by Beck Lorsch; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017, and 2019.

Beck Lorsch
A personal blog and the home of my 2016 App of the Month project.
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