Archive of stories published by Beep Boop HQ

Creating a Slack App with Slapp & Firebase

Slapp is an open-source library for creating Slack Apps. We created Slapp to work…

Docker Super Containers for Microservices

An interesting pattern emerged as we were building Beep Boop, we decided to put all of our eggs in one basket, one Docker image that is. You see, I tend to favor a microservice style architectural composition but admittedly have struggled with git…

Slapp: A New Library for Slack Apps

Slapp is a node.js module for creating Slack Apps from simple slash commands to complex bots. It…

These were the top 10 stories published by Beep Boop HQ; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Beep Boop HQ
News and tips from Beep Boop HQ, a ridiculously simple hosting platform for your Slack and Messenger bots.
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