Go to Being a Fangirl
Being a Fangirl
This is a place for Wizards, Kings, and Queens of Old, Demi-gods, Vampires & Werewolves , last but not the least Hunters and to all those who are angry at John Green for Killing Augustus Waters.
Note from the editor

Like C.S. LEWIS once said. “If I find in myself, desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world”. Behold this Publications is the door. We can share stories, chat, and comment on our favorite fictional characters, TV shows, Movies, and Books and how they impacted our lives.

Go to the profile of Hepza Hart
Hepza Hart
Writer | Blogger | Nerd & Full-time Fangirl | In love with The Man who gave up his life for me| Here's my blog link -https://hepzahart828.wixsite.com/umeandhim
Go to the profile of Hepza Hart
Hepza Hart
Writer | Blogger | Nerd & Full-time Fangirl | In love with The Man who gave up his life for me| Here's my blog link -https://hepzahart828.wixsite.com/umeandhim