Into the Beloved Horizons of Past and Future Memories

Reflections on time, love, and the transformative power of memories and new beginnings

Rui Alves
5 min readJan 30, 2024


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Dear Belovers,

This edition of our newsletter pays tribute to the stories shared by our authors in response to our latest prompt:

Beloved Writing Challenge: January
Beloved memories and new beginnings

I have to confess that when DJ apex approached me with the motto for this challenge, it instantly resonated.

DJ’s prompt promised to take us into the intricacies of January, the month of the Greek god Janus.

I had forgotten about the symbolic amplification of the first month of the year as Gateway Month.

January derives from the Latin Jannarium and was consecrated to Janus, the two-headed Roman god who watched over entrances and exits.

Janus presided over time and was represented by a face with two sides: one facing the past and the other facing the future.

In times of war, the doors of a temple built in his honor in Rome were opened and only closed when the soldiers returned.

It was always closed in peacetime.

As the door is the beginning of the house, Janus was worshipped as the god of everything that begins: the first hour of the day, the first day of the month, and, of course, the first month of the year.

It was amid such a wondrous backdrop that DJ shared our Beloved challenge prompt for January:

Beloved memories and new beginnings

We encourage you to explore the duality of your experiences by reflecting on both lessons learned and envisioning a future.

Take time to revisit moments of transition in your journey and consider sharing insights gained from those experiences.

We encourage you to embrace the nature of time, recognizing how your past, present, and future are intertwined and appreciating the opportunities that arise with every fresh start. — DJ apex

So, before Janus closes January’s door, there’s still time to join our challenge and send a story to us.

If you’re not yet a writer, please read our submission guidelines and drop us a quick email at

We can’t wait to read your stories.

Meanwhile, take the time to draw inspiration from the marvelous challenge stories we’ve published so far.

Veronica Monet in Beloved

Could Grief be the Gift You Never Knew You Needed?

Love, Loss and Living Happily Ever After...

Veronica Monet’s heartfelt piece takes us on a rollercoaster of love, loss, and unexpected twists. From her turbulent first love to the unanticipated challenges of a polyamorous relationship, the author delves into the complexities of commitment and unforeseen grief.

Following her soulmate’s health struggles, she discovers a profound, unexpected gift in grief—shaping her love into a resilient, multifaceted diamond.

In this raw exploration, Monet unearths the intertwined beauty of love and grief, revealing that, surprisingly, grief might be the transformative gift she never knew she needed.

Jay Duran in Beloved

Love and Other Lies

What do we tell ourselves so we can sleep at night?

In Jay Duran’s poignant reflection, the New Year brings a bittersweet mix of joy and grief.

As others welcome fresh starts, Jay confronts the challenging end of the year, haunted by the loss of her son.

Through the holiday season, she steers through convoluted emotions, masking the pain with imagined tales of her son’s adventures.

However, the arrival of the New Year strips away the comforting illusion, exposing the harsh reality.

Despite the ongoing grief, Jay finds inspiration to cherish life, indulge in laughter, and appreciate the small joys in the face of profound loss.

MonalisaSmiled in Beloved

A New Year, A New Me Bullshit and How Real Change Happens

January is all about new beginnings.

The author fires away into 2024. Amidst the excesses of Las Vegas, she reflects on resolutions, dismissing the washed-out topoi of the season.

Embracing change after a divorce, she finds optimism in relocating to Nevada. The desert landscape symbolizes a fresh start, promising warmth and unconditional love.

While she acknowledges efforts at self-improvement, it’s the newfound love and acceptance in her relationship that defines the true difference.

As the author faces the beginning of a new life, she humorously dismantles the stereotypes of New Year’s resolutions.

Jessica Lucia in Beloved

It Would Be Fine, But it Would Never Be Okay

I knew it wouldn’t work with my son’s father long before...

In her gripping story, Jessica Lucia reflects on a critical moment in the ER with her infant son.

Despite her immediate actions, her ex-partner’s indifferent response underscores a stark reality: she can’t rely on him.

The soul-stirring events unfolding at the hospital set the leitmotif for a story of resilience amid adversity, portraying a mother’s determination and the realization that their co-parenting efforts may never yield the support she truly needs.

Jessica’s intense and emotionally charged account illustrates the challenges and strengths of single motherhood.

That’s all for now. Time to put the pen to the metal and strike those keyboards while the creative metal is red hot.

I eagerly await to read the stories you have in your hearts before Janus closes the doors of Gateway Month.

Thank you for reading and writing!



Rui Alves

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.