Top Stories published by Beyond Devices in 2013

Thoughts on Google’s Android version charts

Google regularly updates the data it provides to developers on Android versions in use, screen sizes and screen densities, and I’ve been diving into this data today for a report I’m working on. In the next few days, Google will update the data again and…

The risks in T-Mobile’s Un-Carrier strategy

Laptop Magazine just made T-Mobile one of their “Game Changers” for 2013 for its Un-Carrier campaign. I spoke with the author of the piece on T-Mobile and emphasized some of what I perceive as the risks around the campaign, but many of my thoughts didn’t…

Google’s strategic decision around maps on iOS

Charles Arthur of the Guardian wrote a very well-circulated piece this week about Comscore’s latest numbers for Google Maps and Apple Maps. The title was “Apple Maps: how Google lost when everyone thought it had won” and I have two main objections…

Why Sprint — T-Mobile makes sense

There were rumors today — not for the first time — that Sprint might be interested in making a bid for T-Mobile. This is not all that surprising given recent remarks from T-Mobile execs and Dan Hesse that they would be open to a merger. But there’s been a predictable…

What John Chen needs to tell customers (and investors)

Earlier this week, BlackBerry’s CEO John Chen posted a letter to customers. While he provided some sense of his strategy going forward, he unfortunately continues the tradition started by his predecessors of failing to answer the most…

Beyond Devices
A blog about consumer technology from Jan Dawson and Jackdaw Research. Original home at Jan Dawson is an analyst and consultant who helps consumer technology companies understand market trends and devise strategies for success.
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