Top Stories published by Beyond Devices in February of 2015

Thoughts on Twitter’s Q4 2014 earnings

I’ve just sent my Twitter deck to subscribers (screenshot at the bottom of this post). This analysis picks a few of the key charts from that deck. As always, you may want to read my previous posts on Twitter, as a lot of the themes here are ones I’ve touched on…

YouTube and its alternatives

Eric Blattberg at Digiday has been doing some great work reporting on both some of the newer video initiatives at Facebook and Vessel as well as developments at the current industry powerhouse, YouTube. Eric’s latest piece today is about YouTube’s new effort to clamp down on…

Motorola’s impact on Lenovo

Note: this is part of a series on major tech companies’ earnings in Q4 2014 (click here for previous posts). In this post as elsewhere, I’m using calendar quarters (e.g. Q4 2014) to designate reporting periods, even though Lenovo and certain other companies have fiscal years

Beyond Devices
A blog about consumer technology from Jan Dawson and Jackdaw Research. Original home at Jan Dawson is an analyst and consultant who helps consumer technology companies understand market trends and devise strategies for success.
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