Top Stories published by Beyond Devices in July of 2015

Google Fiber’s real innovation

I’ve written about Google Fiber just once before, and that was to talk about my installation experience when I briefly lived in one of the very few areas where the service is available, in Provo, Utah. However, today I wanted to unpack something different about Google Fiber…

Thoughts on Facebook’s Q2 2015 earnings

Yesterday, I covered Twitter’s earnings, and today I’m following up with a post on Facebook’s earnings. The two companies are very different — one is a social network that’s first and foremost about connecting with people you know in real life, and the other…

Google isn’t Berkshire Hathaway

Update: given Google’s Alphabet announcement on August 10th, I’ve written a new post which refers back to this one. You might like to read that one too.

That’s likely an odd title, but both the title and this post were prompted by a paragraph in a…

Apple Watch sales

So, after yesterday’s preview post on Apple Watch sales, I thought I’d have a stab at interpreting today’s earnings report and call on this specific point. Yesterday’s post highlighted the challenges and pitfalls inherent in such an exercise, so I’ll walk you through all my assumptions so you can…

Beyond Devices
A blog about consumer technology from Jan Dawson and Jackdaw Research. Original home at Jan Dawson is an analyst and consultant who helps consumer technology companies understand market trends and devise strategies for success.
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