Top Stories published by Beyond Devices in September of 2015

iOS 9 adoption and Mixpanel

Related: Apple Topic Page, and a previous post on iOS and Android adoption patterns, as well as two earlier posts (1, 2) on Android versions in use.

Last week, following the release of iOS 9 by Apple, Mixpanel (along with other analytics firms) began…

Further thoughts on Apple’s iPhone Upgrade Program

Related: Apple topic page

I wrote a piece Thursday on Techpinions about Apple’s iPhone Upgrade Program which proved quite popular, hitting Techmeme and being retweeted by some of the bigger names on Twitter, and so I…

How I’m using Apple Music

Related: Apple topic page, all Apple Music posts.

On the day Apple Music launched, I wrote a first-day “review” of sorts, based on my first few hours with the service. Now that several months have passed (and I’m about to cross over from the three-month free…

Apple September 2015 event preview

Related topic pages: Apple, and more narrowly the Apple and TV topic page.

I’m writing up a short Apple event preview here. Please note that this isn’t a list of predictions — that’s always seemed foolish to me so close in to an event, since…

Beyond Devices
A blog about consumer technology from Jan Dawson and Jackdaw Research. Original home at Jan Dawson is an analyst and consultant who helps consumer technology companies understand market trends and devise strategies for success.
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