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Beyond Devices
Beyond Devices
A blog about consumer technology from Jan Dawson and Jackdaw Research. Original home at www.beyonddevic.es. Jan Dawson is an analyst and consultant who helps consumer technology companies understand market trends and devise strategies for success.
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The Problem With a Twitter Acquisition

As I’ve said before, I’m both a heavy user of Twitter and a critic of the way it’s currently being run. The lack of growth and the slow pace of change to the product are closely intertwined, and neither is good for Twitter in the long run. (See here for all my…

The NFL’s Twitter Gamble

Earlier today, I published a post titled “Twitter’s NFL Gamble”. The post illustrates perfectly the danger of jumping on breaking news too quickly, in that a major piece of information emerged after I hit “Publish” on the post, which totally changed the dynamic of the story. So here I…

The two Twitters

Related: Twitter topic page, with links to all my earlier Twitter posts.

With the launch of Twitter’s Project Lightning and the Moments feature this week, Twitter is reinforcing an important point about Twitter and its future: there isn’t one Twitter, but two. Moments is…

More quick thoughts on Twitter and Instagram (and Apple)

I posted some initial quick thoughts on Instagram hitting 300 million users yesterday, but there were two articles today that prompted some more quick thoughts on Twitter and some parallels (and important differences) when compared…