MyMind — The Quickest Idea Storage Out There

I have one word for you: Keywords. And after that: Godspeed

Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity


Honestly, godspeed could be MyMind’s slogan. There is nothing faster when it comes to Idea Storages, as far as I know. In case you’ve lived under a rock, let me tell you what exactly MyMind is.

MyMind is the extension for your mind.

It’s how the dev’s themselves describe it. I reckon it would be more precise to say it is an extension of your memory.

I’ve been using MyMind for the past eight months. Thanks to Shu Omi, I installed it on my phone first. And boy, do I need to thank him for that. I’ve already talked about it in my last blog. In this one, I want to go into more detail.

Image by author. Shot with Sony Alpha 58, 18-55 mm lens. Edited in ON1 Effects 2019.
Image by author. Shot with Sony Alpha 58, 18–55 mm lens. Edited in ON1 Effects 2019.

Picture this: you’re happily going after your morning routine. For me, this includes reading in Google Now. Google Now collects every relevant article from the web and presents it neatly in one app to you. As luck has it on some days, I don’t have time to read every article.

You’re probably familiar with this situation. You tell yourself you’ll read it later and leave the app open in the background. When you find time to read, you reopen the app, and yikes, the app reloaded, and your precious article is gone forever.



Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity

Top Writer in Productivity. Productivity, programming, and Engineering Blogs. Strong focus on tech. Ph.D. student.