Top Stories published by BeyondMe in 2016

Go on treat yourself…donate to that charity! Said no one.

Ambica Jobanputra, Head of Social Leadership & Engagement, BeyondMe

“Shall I buy those festival tickets? Or maybe go to the theatre. No, actually I’ll save it.” Sound familiar? You probably recognise the…

The UN’s SDGs: how to get from 169 targets to the 1 you care about

BeyondMe’s Joel Cohen tries to break down the Sustainable Development Goals for today. How will you contribute?

Too busy to give? Think again

Joel Cohen, Growth Campaigns and Communications Manager, BeyondMe

After months of ‘out of office’ replies, everyone is back at work, the inboxes are piling up and to do lists are getting cleared (and filling themselves up again). For ‘time poor’ young…

Finding your social impact match: from pitch to partnership

Edmund Page, CEO of Xavier Project explains how pitching your charity or social enterprise project can make young professionals feel part of the partnership process.

A movement of professionals coming together to combine resources, act collectively and add capacity to charities and social enterprises
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