Request removal of negative seller feedback is easy and it matters

Alex Borisenko-Markovich
Bindwise Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2017

Do you really track your seller feedback on Amazon?

Bindwise Alerts helps you do that. It notifies you about negative feedback as soon as it happens. This is an amazingly effective time because you catch your buyer while one is in front of a computer and try to resolve an issue, so negative feedback doesn’t reduce your sales for all ASINs.

Who should be using Bindwise for tracking negative feedback

  • Resellers
  • Sellers who recently started selling on Amazon
  • Sellers who compete with other sellers selling a similar product
  • Private label sellers who want insurance against ASIN piggybackers
  • Sellers who want to win the buy box

Why seller feedback matters

Sellers with the most positive feedback tend to do the best on Amazon. Take control of your online reputation and reap the rewards of the greater bottom-line performance. Win the buy box more often and beat your competitors by maintaining a stellar Amazon seller rating.

With regard to all things feedback and customer interaction, the best thing a seller can do is handle it themselves and not let it get to the point of involving Amazon.

If you can be proactive in how you take control in the post-sale period, you can diminish the number of times you have to deal with Amazon, and you can mitigate your risk of receiving negative seller feedback.

Bindwise will report to you any negative feedback, so you can remove it fast.

Alerts which clearly state the problem

When Bindwise detects negative feedback it sends you the alert like this:

Alerts are built to address your buyer’s problem at a glance. It’s built to help you:

  • Identify who is responsible for the order: either Amazon or you
  • Whether feedback violates Amazon Policy (obscene or foul language, personal information, product review, etc.)
  • Buyer’s contact information

Alerts are delivered as fast as a lightning

No other system can let you know about negative feedback as quick as Bindwise. It delivers alerts to you almost immediately, meaning you can reach your buyer right away. Hence your 1 negative feedback doesn’t reduce your sales for all ASINs.

Our experience shows that many sellers don’t realize they can do this. Once you fix the negative feedback situation (issue a refund, send a replacement, whatever the problem is), you should ask for the customer to remove their negative feedback. Bindwise Alerts keeps you working on your seller rating. These small fixes have a great impact in a the long run.



Alex Borisenko-Markovich
Bindwise Blog

I help online sellers to learn through reading to thrive their business