Generators & Manifesting Generators

How ‘One Thing Led to Another’ Is Our Natural Route to Success

Honor your sacral intuition

Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz
6 min readMay 5, 2021


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Have you ever watched or read success stories that mention “one thing led to another”, and soon…

  • I married the love of my life
  • I found my dream career
  • I became a bestselling author

This phrase seems like what 70% of the world, Human Design Generators and Manifesting Generators, are meant to do. We are meant to observe and follow our sacral responses. We are meant to honor our sacral Yesses and No’s.

Looking back in my life, I could see how when I honored my sacral yesses and no’s, I:

  • Left an unfulfilling work environment and dropped out of my sponsored training as a physical therapist by honoring my No’s.
  • Became an energy healer when I honor my Yesses. This energetic awareness is now a huge part of how I navigate my reality and help others.
  • Stumbled upon Human Design and The Gene Keys at various times of my life when I honor my Yesses. And within these two modalities, I honored my No’s to let go of the parts that feel confusing to me and found my own intuitive way of sensing specific elements within a chart.
  • Became a Writer and am helping other Solopreneurs to write and publish on Medium too!

Can you think of your own journey of magical yet subtle synchronicities that made you feel incredibly lucky and blissful?

Honor Your Sacral Intuition

It is natural for us to keep following the breadcrumbs and have this satisfying phase of ‘one thing led to another’, so we can keep realigning to our optimal health and abundance.

It’s so much more important to follow your sacral intuition, rather than to follow the specific strategies of your role models.

We can’t mentally plan our successes. We might not even know what we truly want that will bring us fulfillment.

But we can start to follow one thing after another and to keep persevering when our sacral says YES even though we might be feeling increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress.

As our collective society seems to value our mental intelligence over intuitive intelligence, you might not be used to following your natural sacral intuition. Here are some tips to help you familiarize yourself with what your sacral responses usually feel like.

What Does a Sacral Yes and No Feel Like?

First, do make sure that your Human Design Energy Type is a Generator or Manifesting Generator. You can generate your free chart at this link if you have an accurate day, time, and place of birth.

As a Generator or Manifesting Generator, your strongest intuition is in your defined sacral response. Sacral responses are the instinctive sounds we make in reaction to things, people, places, events, or questions. Your sacral Yes can sound like ‘uh-huh’, and your sacral No can sound like ‘uh-unh’.

Since your Sacral center, defined in the Human Design modality, is an energy motor that gives us sustainable energy, you’ll notice that whenever your sacral says yes, you’ll feel more energized with that response. When it’s a flat No, it feels like there’s no energy coming in at all.

When your sacral says Yes, it to can feel like a bit of a surprise, or even a shock, as it’s not a logical Yes. Your logic hasn’t caught up to justify your sacral yes yet, and sometimes it doesn’t even make logical sense, so you might need to just surrender to your sacral yes. You might even feel increasing frustration and feel tempted to give up on this project you’ve been working without any tangible progress. But somehow, it feels right to keep persevering. You’ll find that soon enough, you’ll be rewarded by an accelerated stage of progress in your project.

Remember To Wait so You Can Respond

It’s important to keep making sure that you’re constantly responding in life. Whenever you feel that you’re just going through the motions in some aspects of your life, then it’s crucial to take a break and lean back, so you can start to notice what your sacral responses are.

You have a stair-step learning curve too

As Generators and Manifesting Generators, we have this stair-step learning curve. Whenever you pick up a new skill or start a new job, you tend to enjoy an initial big leap in mastery without much time or effort. After that, you will usually meet this plateau where you don’t see much improvement in your skill level, even though you’ve been practicing consistently. You start to feel increasingly frustrated and unsure of whether you should continue to press on, change your strategy, or give up.

Whenever you’re aware of this frustration building up and that you’re on a plateau, this is the time when you need to lean back and wait to see how your sacral might be responding.

To me, it feels like getting off a high-speed train, and you’ll find so many more trains going to various destinations when you’re waiting at the platform. You might still want to get back on the same train, but you’ll feel more energized to persevere when your sacral says Yes.

Sharing An Example

In late July 2020, I took a quiz that made me realize I’m the happiest whenever I get to share my messages with the world, and that being a writer and public speaker suits my passion. I could feel my Sacral being so energized with a YES, that I realized I already know the perfect platform to start writing on — Medium. Before I took the quiz, I’ve already signed up for a free 5-day email course by a high-profile writer on Medium, so that was a more subtle Yes that was linked to this big Yes.

I was so energized to keep writing and publishing almost every day for a few months. That was my initial surge in mastery when it felt easy to get started and receive lots of support and recognition.

In Dec 2020, I felt overwhelmed and stuck again. It felt like I’ve arrived on my writing plateau when I was putting in a lot of work without much progress at all. So, I took a break and started reading for fun instead.

It felt like these books were dishing out potent messages of validation all the time! Through reading:

  • I rediscovered my Why as more of a storyteller instead of a writer.
  • I realized why it’s so important for me to keep creating through my dance and writing.
  • I jumped down a new rabbit hole and saw through my past lives how Dance is so vital in this life for me, even when I’m not meant to dance professionally.

A few months later, I found new joy in helping other solopreneurs repurpose their social media posts into beautifully formatted and more cohesive Medium articles that can help establish their expertise in their businesses.

I went back to feeling more supported and joyful in my writing journey!

Main Takeaway

If you're feeling frustrated and stuck in life as a Generator or Manifesting Generator, I’d like you to ask yourself — what are you responding to with your sacral intuition right now?

Are you at a plateau? If so, tell yourself that it’s normal to feel frustrated. Give yourself a short break whenever possible, and allow yourself to observe what’s calling out to you. Look at your life with fresh eyes.

Follow what energizes you. Allow your mental perceptions to take a back seat for a while. Gently honor your sacral intuition. Follow the breadcrumbs.

I wish you a magical and fulfilling life!



Bingz Huang
Human Design by Bingz

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.