Top Stories published by Bitcoin Tech Talk in September of 2017

Atomic Swaps

Decred and Litecoin completed something called a cross-chain atomic swap a few days ago. They published a blog about it, created a GitHub repo with utilities and talked about it on my show.

In this article, I’m going to explain what atomic swaps are, how this affects Bitcoin and…

What’s new in Bitcoin Core v0.15 — part 1

I’m very excited about the recent Bitcoin Core v0.15 release. This is the first major release that I’ve been involved in from start to finish, and there are some great new features and improvements. Over the next few days, I’ll present a series of articles…

What’s new in Bitcoin Core v0.15 — part 2

This article continues the series on enhancements and new features in Bitcoin Core v0.15. Yesterday I talked about a low-level technical change that results in dramatic performance wins. Today, I’ll cover something much more visible to users — significantly…

What’s new in Bitcoin Core v0.15 — part 5

This is the final article in this series about features and improvements in Bitcoin Core v0.15. Today I’ll talk about a small implementation change by Matt Corallo that gives a huge boost in performance for nodes that are in sync and keeping up with the…

What’s new in Bitcoin Core v0.15 — part 4

In this series, I’ve already covered one performance improvement (per-output chainstate db) and a couple of user features (better fee estimation and bumpfee in the GUI). Today I’ll talk about another user feature, multi-wallet.

What’s new in Bitcoin Core v0.15 — part 3

Yesterday, I wrote about how fee estimation is better in v0.15, but what happens if you send a transaction without enough fee to be included in a block? Somehow you need to encourage miners to include your transaction, or it’ll be stuck in limbo forever (or…