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Bites of Bard
“Bites of Bard” is a Shakespeare mini-blog, featuring some of my favorite passages from Shakespeare, with minimal (or no) commentary.
Note from the editor

For quite some time, I’ve blogged about Shakespeare on a Tumblr blog called Willy Wigglestick (click the “Willy Wigglestick” tab on the Bites of Bard homepage to visit). Not too long ago, looking at the simple, concise blogging available on Medium, I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to have a Shakespeare “mini-blog,” wherein I just shared a favorite scene or passage from Shakespeare, with minimal commentary or explanation? Thus was born Bites of Bard, a Shakespeare “mini-blog.” Hope you enjoy it…

Go to the profile of Cory Howell
Cory Howell
Full-time dad & part-time church musician in the United Methodist Church; occasional blogger; fan of Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, language, the Bible, and more