A New Serverless Plugin: Kubeless

We have been hard at work developing a kubeless plugin for the serverless framework and I want to give you a glimpse of what is at HEAD right now.

But first couple thoughts: I was recently at the first JeffConf a community led one day conference…

A look at application development with Visual Studio Code and Kubernetes

Visual Studio Code (or VSCode) is a open source and cross platform text editor by Microsoft. The functionality of the editor can be extended by installing extensions from the marketplace. The editor has a…

Kubeless UI now in alpha

Kubeless is the Kubernetes native serverless framework that we started developing at Skippbox and that we keep on improving at Bitnami. FWIW, Kubeless is not a proprietary play for us, we aim to build a community around it, as we only care about application architecture and shifts in…

Running Containers in OpenShift

OpenShift is Red Hat container application platform. It is based on Kubernetes and to keep things short…

A serverless plugin for Kubeless

Serverless.com ﹣a company based in San Francisco− has been developing the so-called Serverless Framework, to help users build serverless architecture on AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure and more. The framework is provided as a CLI tool that allows users to build and deploy…

Bitnami Perspectives
Bitnami Perspectives
Loved by devs, Trusted by ops: Bitnami makes easy to use cloud images, containers, and VMs that work on any platform.
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