Black Eye Galaxy Update

James G
Black Eye Galaxy
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2022

Dear Black Eye Galaxy community,

The team would like to provide an update for players on the current state of Black Eye Galaxy and the transition to Spaceborne that the team is currently busy attempting to achieve.

Liquidity has been slowly decreasing over the past month that has been caused by players selling tokens. The team liquidity remains in-game and has not been touched by the team. Some players have reported issues selling the BYG token on some exchanges (DEXs). This is due to how there is no liquidity left on some DEXs. If you want to sell the BYG token but are not sure where you can sell it or where there is liquidity left in an exchange, players can check out the BYG token on PooCoin where it states the remaining liquidity in available DEXs.

Current liquidity has shown in the image below:

Waultswap link:

Pancake Swap V2 link:

Players are still able to use in-game assets and collect the BYG token. However, players may experience difficulty in the future exchanging the BYG token per liquidity, as seen above. Players can still purchase the BYG token.

The team are still searching for funding for the relaunch that will be Spaceborne. We advise players to make a responsible decision when considering purchasing the BYG token for speculation purposes. We would like to ensure the community understand that there is no guarantee that the transition will be successful — this depends on whether the team can secure funding and investments into the project that will allow the team to launch Spaceborne and launch the SBRN IDO on a launchpad platform. Despite this and the current market conditions, the team is working hard to ensure Spaceborne emerges. Like every project that is announced for a launch, its first step is to acquire funding from venture capital investors that allows the project to build, develop and launch tokens through launchpad, we are still in this stage — communicating and gathering feedback from VCs. We will keep the community updated during this time.

The team would like to reiterate that we are in communications with venture capital investors and collecting feedback — this can take a lengthy amount of time. We are also searching for many more that may be interested in our launch of Spaceborne. Market conditions are currently not favourable as per market trends in the past month, however, despite this the team will continue the search for funding for as long as we can, no matter the result. The team will continue our search as we want Spaceborne to succeed for our community and the Black Eye Galaxy community.

Lastly, the team would also like to iterate that team members are now working on a voluntary basis to keep this project alive and to give it the best chance of receiving funding for Spaceborne. Despite this, we will do our very best to maintain attention to our group chats and social media. However, please understand that the team are working voluntarily without compensation/salary, therefore, please do not expect the same level of interaction and activity during this difficult time. We as a team will try out best to help and support players in need in case of issues/bugs in-game.

The team appreciates all support that the community may provide during this time. Such support is imperative towards the success of Spaceborne.

As a reminder you can find the original article here that announces our relaunch and explains the reasons for this. Users can also find a follow up article here that explains changes post-announcement that were implemented in-game as a result.

Make sure to stay updated on the Spaceborne project for announcements and news. You can find all link by using out linktree!

Click me for the Spaceborne Link Tree!

Have a fantastic weekend!

From the Black Eye Galaxy Team.

