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Rebuilding Ripple on Ethereum

Ripple is a P2P payment network with an integrated foreign exchange market. It supports any possible currency. In it’s core it is based on a public distributed ledger containing liabilities between individuals and organisations ( IOUs). The network depends on the trust…

Ethereum — der neue große Rivale des Bitcoin

Das Thema Ethereum ist in der deutschen Mainstream-Presse angekommen. In dem Artikel “Das ist der neue große Rivale des Bitcoin“ schreibt Die Welt:

Der Bitcoin war das Nonplusultra, wenn es um digitales Geld ging. Der

Marketing usecase based on blockchain

Liverpool gets its own currency

The company colu from Tel Aviv has generated a local digital currency for Liverpool. Local currencies are not new. Many municipalities use some kind of local coupons to buy in the…

This blog is an independent collection of blockchain knowledge and news we found interesting and important to store and share. We are a group of blockchain enthusiasts who see the potential in this technology being more than just a poetic vision of a blockchain society.
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