Go to Block Tech Consulting
Block Tech Consulting
Sadly I’ve Block Tech… but the articles are still good
Note from the editor

I started Block Tech Consulting to work with startups, small business owners and entrepreneurs — and help them prepare for blockchain technology. Without the hype. We were close to signing our first client when BitCoin crashed in 2019 and all hopes & dreams with the community. Lots of people made money on the rise (me included) but many also lost… some managed to hold on and are now wiser with battle scars. The promise of the technology has morphed but still suffers from mass adoption. We could see back in 2019 that AI would be the catalyst. We didn’t imagine political instability & war would be part of it. Anyway, I keep this here as a “Build In Public” record of my journey. Lessons were learned. Thankfully, theonly money lost on this venture were the company startup costs.

Go to the profile of Vlad Soriano
Vlad Soriano
Philosophy & Technology for Creative Lives
Go to the profile of Vlad Soriano
Vlad Soriano
Philosophy & Technology for Creative Lives