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Blogging Guide
Medium Blogging Guide is dedicated to helping writers achieve success on Medium! Follow to join our community • Newsletter ➜ https://bloggingguide.substack.com • Facebook Group ➜ www.facebook.com/groups/mediumwriting • Medium Course ➜ www.mediumcourse.com
Note from the editor

I created Medium Blogging Guide to demystify the writing process on Medium. When I first started writing on Medium, there were almost no useful tutorials or articles explaining how to succeed on the platform or how to format my articles. As a new writer, this was both confusing and discouraging. So I gradually learned platform tips and formatting tricks, I began writing articles explaining these concepts to help new writers. That collection of articles was eventually organized into a single publication, Medium Blogging Guide. Today, Medium Blogging Guide is the premier publication dedicated to helping writers achieve success on Medium. Our publication consists of over 250 articles, lists, tutorials, and resources for writers. We sponsor the largest Medium-related Facebook Group, called Medium Writing ➜ www.facebook.com/groups/mediumwriting. For more tips on making money with Medium, check out our course➜ https://gumroad.com/l/medium-course

Go to the profile of Casey Botticello
MEdium Blogging Guide Founder
Casey Botticello
🚀 Founder of BloggingGuide.com | 👨‍💻 youtube.com/@CaseyBotticello | 📝 Join 25,000+ creators & learn how to make money online ➜ bloggingguide.substack.com
Go to the profile of Medium Formatting
Medium Formatting articles
Medium Formatting
Medium Blogging Guide Admin Account 🖥️ Medium Course ➝ https://gumroad.com/l/medium-course 🚀 Join Medium ➝ https://formatting.medium.com/membership