Go to 彭博商業周刊/中文版 Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese Edition
彭博商業周刊/中文版 Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese Edition
《彭博商業周刊/中文版》是由彭博(Bloomberg LP.)旗下Bloomberg Businessweek授權許可,由現代傳播控股有限公司出版及在港台地區售賣之繁體中文版,並集合英文版的國際報導及由現代傳播的編輯團隊所撰寫的內容。 《彭博商業周刊/中文版》隔周三以雙周刊形式出版, 不定時在Medium分享精選文章。如欲閱讀更多精彩文章,請即到在各大書報攤及便利店購買,或到https://www.bbwhk.net訂閱。
Note from the editor

《彭博商業周刊/中文版》將以來自英文版《Bloomberg Businessweek》的國際報導及由現代傳播分佈香港、大中華甚至亞洲地區的資深編輯團隊所撰寫的商業及金融資訊類內容為特色,為港台地區讀者提供具國際視野的商業資訊及知識。《彭博商業周刊/中文版》隔周三在香港以雙周刊形式出版, 在各大書報攤及便利店有售,亦歡迎各位讀者及大型機構進行訂閱。 The Chinese edition of Bloomberg Businessweek was first launched in 2011 in simplified Chinese version in Mainland China, then in mid-2013 in traditional Chinese version in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The magazine is built on the agreement between Bloomberg LP in New York and Hong Kong-listed Modern Media. The two Chinese editions have a total audited circulation of more than 400,000 copies per issue across the Straits.

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