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Thoughts, inspiration and reflection from a group of curious mind @ Business Models Inc Taiwan
Note from the editor

Business Models Inc.方略 我們是佈局全球、在地經營的策略設計顧問公司。我們的專長是幫助企業在變化快速的世界中保持領先,提升競爭力與應變能力。我們使用經實戰驗證的策略工具,設計最有創意的過程,幫助你成長。我們的據點分布於澳洲、台灣、荷蘭及美國。 我們的暢銷書:《獲利世代》Business Model Generation、《設計一門好生意》Design a better business、《Business Model Shifts》。 我們曾經獲得的獎項:澳洲優良設計獎(Good Design Australia)「設計先驅獎(Design Pioneer Award)」;2018 優良設計獎的設計策略類金獎(Good Design Gold Global Award);美國國際設計管理協會(Design Management Institute)所頒發的年度設計價值獎(Design Value Award)冠軍。

Go to the profile of Diane Shen
Diane Shen
a curious mind, a service designer & a business strategist, a doodler, an explorer and observer. Working at Business Models Inc and managing BMI Taipei office.
Go to the profile of Han-Chen Chiang
Go to the profile of Diane Shen
Diane Shen
a curious mind, a service designer & a business strategist, a doodler, an explorer and observer. Working at Business Models Inc and managing BMI Taipei office.