Top Stories published by Book of the Future in 2007

Highlander Syndrome

According to Aubrey de Grey, the science already exists for humans to live more than 1,000 years. The question is, would we want to?

I, for one, am a fan. Life already seems like a rush, with so many things I want to do getting squeezed in to the limited time available. Assuming I could solve…

Parallel Worlds

Most technology products have a roadmap. If you were to plot the roadmaps for mobile phones, social networks, and Second Life, I think you would find that the three lines converge.

This might not sound too revolutionary. Vodafone has already moved in to the virtual world. But understand the…

The State of Welfare

I’ve just come back from a couple of weeks on the continent, doing some work, and having some fun. The first week was spent at 3GSM, the massive mobile industry trade show over in Barcelona. The second driving back through France, visiting friends and various tourist sites along the way. The…

These were the top 10 stories published by Book of the Future in 2007. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2007 by using the calendar at the top of this page.