Make Progress; Broadcast It: Bootkik Product Update — December 2018

Travis Parker Martin
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2018

Our goal at Bootkik is ambitious: to see people make progress and humanity flourish by giving them the ability to share and follow step-by-step expert guidance in every area of their life.

As our Co-Founder and CEO Leighton described, our vision is that any time somebody is inspired (at events, online, and in day-to-day life), they will also be equipped to turn that inspiration to action. Bootkik helps turn ideas into reality by connecting people with the steps to get there, from someone who already has.

In order for us to achieve this vision, Bootkik needs to have three core competencies:

  • Experts on Bootkik can easily break down their expertise into steps, and distribute those to people who need them
  • Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and anyone wanting to grow can easily access these steps on Bootkik and implement them in their business
  • These experts can receive feedback on how their recipes are performing and the impact they’re having on their audience

If we can build this loop and successfully optimize it, we will create a platform that richly rewards everybody who uses it, and I believe realize this vision of people making progress and humanity flourishing. As the Product Team looks at potential features to add, and consults customer feedback, we map every idea against those three core pillars. In that spirit, I’m excited to announce some big additions we’ve made to Bootkik since my last update 3 weeks ago.

Completing the Feedback Loop with Notifications

In order for Bootkik to become the best place to share your guidance with others, we needed to build a system where experts would have unique access to feedback that mediums such as blogs, YouTube videos, or even old-fashioned books, couldn’t provide.

A few weeks back, we launched a social platform staple, notifications, but with a twist. While all the common elements of social platforms exist (likes, comments, etc), with Bootkik, experts will be notified as users begin to take action on their step-by-step guidance, and again as their expertise leads them to their promised outcome.

This means instead of simply knowing how many people bought your e-book on hiring, you would know that 1,428 entrepreneurs have hired their first employee, thanks to you!

The feedback we’ve received from authors is that, while book sales are nice, understanding the impact your ideas have on the world provides far more fulfillment, and validation on the work you’re doing. I’m excited to see how access to these metrics will fuel bigger ideas and greater generosity among experts.

Share Your Progress with the World

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

One of the toughest parts about being an entrepreneur is how lonely and isolating it is. Yet, alongside community, the lows aren’t as low, and the highs are even higher.

We dream of a world where you don’t have to humble-brag on LinkedIn in order to receive support from your community as you grow your business or ideas. Instead, as you reach milestones such as optimizing your SEO or raising money from investors, you can now share those updates with your community, both internal and external to Bootkik.

Congrats, you overachiever!

Minor Updates:

  • Easy Social Sharing — To quote a Bootkik recipe creator: “I created recipes, now I just need a super easy way to share them with my social networks!” Well, thanks to some technical wizardry and Open Graphs, users now have just that. Sharing your created recipe on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook is simple, and looks gorgeous on each platform.
  • Re-visit Completed Tasks — One request we’ve received from users since we launched, is the ability to revisit old recipes and completed tasks. Thanks to an update last week, now users can sort by upcoming tasks, or completed tasks, to look back and see exactly how productive their week has been.

Bootkik will continue to evolve week-by-week, as we work to build a platform that easily equips entrepreneurs and small business owners with the ability to hit business milestones and implement the expertise of others. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve Bootkik, fire me an e-mail at — it’d be great to chat!



Travis Parker Martin

Co-Founder and VP of Product at KnowHow. My time is spent building startups, studying productivity, and reading. &