Live AMA with Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol
Published in
9 min readSep 16, 2021

On the 15th of September we were so excited to welcome Boson Protocol Co-Founder Justin Banon and Head of Metaverse Tech Holly Atkinson to the Boson Protocol Telegram Channel for a live AMA! We were delighted to distribute an 800 $BOSON prize pool to the community for questions answered, as a thank you for your support!

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Mattina Hiwaizi: Good day to you all wonderful Bosonauts! Unfortunately our usual bearded host Alastair Band is unable to make it so I will be your unbearded host for the AMA today! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Mattina and I’m Community and Events Manager here at Boson! 🔥

Today we will start off with some introductions and I will ask Holly and Justin some questions! We will then announce the Twitter competition winners and put your questions to Holly and Justin to answer! If you missed out on the Twitter competition, do not fear, we will then open up the floor for questions, giving three lucky people the opportunity to win 100 $BOSON each! 💸💸💸

To get started I’m delighted to welcome @JustinBanon and @hollyatkinson to the stage, could you please both start by introducing yourselves to the community 👀

Holly: Hi everyone!

Justin: Hello, I’m Justin Banon, Co-Founder of Boson Protocol. Boson is a decentralized commerce protocol that enables the decentralized exchange for anything. Built for creators, communities, and merchants, our protocol enables the seamless exchange of crypto-assets for off chain value.

Holly: Hi, lovely to be here today! I’m Holly Atkinson and I’m Head of Metaverse Tech at Boson Protocol & previously Blockchain Developer at The Sandbox. I moved into tech from business development in 2018, having led various renewable energy / project finance transactions. Physicist & member of Meta Gamma Delta DAO — supporting women-led projects in Web3. 😃

Mattina: Amazing thanks so much for joining today! To start with I have a question… We have seen a lot of Boson communications on strategy — are you able to give an update on that?

Justin: We’ve reached a major milestone in solving dCommerce. A hard problem & gargantuan opportunity in Web3. We raised $36M in funding, assembled a protocol dream team & designed the next version of BosonProtocol — ‘’v1'. A DEX for anything. The prize for decentralizing commerce is massive, but the problem of connecting smart contracts to real world commerce is very hard.

It requires the the greatest minds across:

- protocol design: how to design a protocol to enable commerce without intermediaries?

- Legal engineering:how to immunise the system against legal risk?

- game theory: how to design incentives compatible with our objectives?

I’m pleased to report we have assembled an advisory panel of the best minds in the business and designed a protocol to solve the problem!

With the new protocol design complete, our focus has shifted to the execution of our go-to-market strategy:

1. Beachhead — Metaverse Commerce MVP

2. Breakout — Metaverse Commerce Product

3. Mainstream — Decentralized Commerce Stack.

We are solving a problem of global importance, gargantuan value & one of the hardest problems in Web3. We have raised the funds, assembled the team and designed the solution.Now we engage hyper blitzscale mode. You can read the full article here


Mattina: Thank you Justin! 🙏 Another announcement getting traction is the launch of Portal, what can you tell us about that, Holly?

Holly: That’s a good segue, as Portal has been created to deliver our beachhead strategy — that of a Metaverse Commerce MVP. Portal will enable brands, artists and creators to sell to, or reward, individuals through in-game purchases of NFTs that are then redeemable for real world products. 🌇 It’s a space for brands and partners to experiment with the commerce opportunities that exist between the physical and virtual worlds. 🛸 More on Portal here:

Mattina Hiwaizi: Thank you Holly! ⚡️ 🏆 Time to Announce our Twitter competition winners who will receive a split of the 500 $BOSON prize pool! 🏆We have 5 winners who each receive 100 $BOSON, we will contact you via email after the AMA with further details 👀💰 🥇The first winner is…

Question: Matthew Mortensen with the question, “How big is your development team? And when do you plan to release it to mainnet?”

Holly: We are working with an INCREDIBLE development and advisory team. Leading our protocol design is Aditya Asgaonkar — who’s a researcher at the ethereum foundation, researching consensus protocols for eth2. He previously worked on dual deposit escrow systems for digital products. We also have Nick Mudge as a smart contract architect. Nick wrote the smart contracts for Aavegotchi, a DeFi-enabled NFT game on Polygon. He is also the author of EIP-2535 Diamonds, a smart contract standard for creating modular smart contract systems that can be extended in production. More recently, we hired Mischa Tuffield phd as our CTO. Mishac formerly worked at Monolith — the first crypto project to plug directly into Visa’s systems. Underpinning these key hires we use a mix of internal and external resources according to our capacity needs, currently totalling 25 developers. In terms of Mainnet we are having our smart contracts audited in the near future and will be launching during Q4.

Mattina: Thank you Holly, amazing work! 🤯 🥇The second winner is… Sri Thomas Judi with the question, “The metaverse and the universe sometimes need a bridge for smart contracts to have a greater impact on trade. How will Boson build a bridge between both sides and how will your infrastructure favor the connection of smart contracts with trade?”

Justin: As the boundaries between the physical and digital world blur, it becomes ever more important to enable peer-to-peer, trustless and decentralized commerce in the Metaverse. People are becoming more accustomed to the idea of crypto-assets and digital possessions. Existing DEXs do a good job of allowing the exchange of on-chain assets, for example. But once we start thinking in terms of transacting with off-chain goods and services, things change. You should be able to see a fashion item, a cool collectible or anything else in a virtual world and be able to buy it with full confidence, just as you would in a bricks-and-mortar shop. There has been no solution until now. Boson Protocol is changing this. The Protocol is designed as an entirely interoperable DEX for anyThing. We envisage it as like TCP/IP, but for exchanging any goods and services, whether these are purely digital, purely physical or a mixture of the two. Boson’ commitment tokens, encoded with game theory, are a type of futures contract for the Thing they represent, ensuring that buyers and sellers can interact in the Metaverse just as they would in the physical world.

Mattina: Wonderful thanks so much Justin for the comprehensive answer! ☄️…Now for the third winner… David Segitiga with the question, “You say that it is preferable to tokenize future transaction commitments, using stateful NFT vouchers, but how can you really tokenize “future commitments”, could you explain in more detail? And how would this take trading to another level?” Who wants to take this one? 🚀

Justin Banon: I’ll take this one… We like to explain Commitment NFT’s as future contracts for anyThing. Similar to how you make a commitment to buy or sell a standardized commodity with a futures contract a Commitment NFT represents the commitment to buy or sell a certain good at a future date, essentially tokenizing a future exchange. This takes trading consumer goods to another level, enabling liquid digital markets for anything!

Mattina: Mind blowing stuff Justin! 🌌 🥇Our fourth Twitter compeition winner is… Jose with the question, “Microsoft and Facebook are taking movements related to metaverse too. Do you think that they could monopolize it?”

Holly: One for me! This is a great question. As FAMGA (Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon) eyes the emerging metaverse, so grows the danger of the creation of a ‘Ready Player One’ style digital prison, where humans are farmed for the value they create. More and more people are joining the movement for an open Metaverse economy. Boson Protocol represents core infrastructure for an open Metaverse economy, by making possible open commerce between the Metaverse and the universe. We are enabling a world of decentralized commerce where people share in the value they create, creating thousands of millionaires instead of a few trillionaires. This interview with Tim Sweeney gives an interesting view

Mattina: Thank you Holly, wonderful insights as always from our Head of Metaverse tech! 🏞 🥇Last but not least, our fifth winner… Eneko with the question, “What are your plans for 2022?” This is a great question for you Justin!

Justin: I can take this one… Our key strategic objective for 2022 is to move from our Beachhead Strategy to our Breakout Strategy — that is to move from a Metaverse MVP to a Metaverse Commerce Product. At the heart of this will be the launch of v1 of our protocol, a massive upgrade in functionality and efficiency. Web3 apps for a great UX, e-commerce platform integrations, Metaverse plug-ins and much more…

Mattina: Thank you Justin, big things ahead 🌌 Now we’re going to open the floor for 1 minute, get ready with your questions! Three questions will be selected and answered, each winning a 100 $BOSON prize💰


Mattina: Wow thanks so much, give us a minute to read these through! 😍

Question #1: Serkan Mercan: DressX partnership looks stunning indeed! Any other partnership like it that makes people really feel about blockchain technologies?

Holly: We’re glad you think so! We are also partnering with Auroboros for our launch of Portal (check out this exhibition at the V&A in London starting next week), and we’re excited to annouce more amazing partners in the coming weeks, watch this space 🤩

Question #2: TOLGA: When I check the LinkedIn page of Boson Protocol, it seems 46 people are somehow in the staff. We don’t see so many people in the ecosystem on many projects. How has the recruitment strategy of Boson been shaping so far? Which roles do you find most hard to find good candidates for?

Justin: We have hired some of the best people in Web3 and ecommerce. We are building out the core protocol in parallel with a number of apps (e.g. Portal in DCL) as well as dCommerce components. For the last few months, we have been focussed in recruiting this amazing team and designing v2 of the protocol, but you are about to see an explosion of activity, product and partnerships. It is important not just to build the best tech, but also to grab the market- this is why we are hyper blitzscaling…

Question #3 : Tom: Currently, online shopping is one of the most popular ways to acquire certain goods, however most people use credit cards linked to bank accounts or digital money such as PayPal, my question is, In what way is the service offered by Boson Protocol to make these online payments different and better for the buyer than traditional centralized methods, and how do you plan to convince users accustomed to using conventional methods that Boson protocol is a better option? is your goal to replace those methods, or coexist with them?

Justin: Ecommerce platform intermediaries abuse their position of power in the network to extract outsized profits and exert undue influence over markets. Boson enables open, fair commerce without intermediaries…

Mattina: Amazing thanks so much Holly and Justin for your wonderful insights today ✨

Holly: Pleasure to chat with everybody! ❤️

Mattina: For our three lucky open floor question winners please PM me with your email address for the next steps… 👀

Holly: Some really great questions 🤩

Justin: Thanks @mattinahiwaizi for hosting and @hollyatkinson for joining. It’s been a pleasure sharing our amazing progress with you all… 😍 😜

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Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol enables an open tokenized economy for commerce by automating digital to physical redemptions using NFTs encoded with game theory.