Update #8: gaming product demo, metaverse hiring and dCommerce training

Thursday 13th May, 2021

Alastair Band
6 min readMay 13, 2021


The following is an extract from our community email, sent every two weeks. To receive this in your inbox, sign up for the newsletter here

Hello Bosonauts,

It’s crazy to think that we are now 16 weeks into this newsletter! Thank you for all of your support over the previous months, and continued support moving forward.

As always, it has been a busy couple of weeks here at Boson Protocol and we are very proud of what the team has accomplished. We are working hard on something BIG behind the scenes, so definitely stay tuned!

Without further ado, here’s is the top news from the past fortnight;

Highlight of the fortnight

Shopping in the Metaverse: Building the bridge between the Metaverse and the Universe

View the demo here


The ability to buy something in the Metaverse and then take ownership of it in the real world is one of the most exciting possibilities of dCommerce. A world in which we move seamlessly between the virtual and the physical realm is now within touching distance — not a theoretical goal only found in science fiction.

At Boson Protocol we believe that experiencing a concept for yourself is the only true way to discover its potential. With this in mind, we are building a full shopping experience in the Metaverse, demonstrating the capabilities of Boson Protocol.

In collaboration with Crucible, we built a demo showing how game developers can enable players to buy physical items in their virtual world.

In the demo, a player goes into a virtual store and discovers a digital fashion item, in this case, a parka by Adidas and Karlie Kloss in collaboration with The Fabricant.

Our Tech Lead Holly Atkinson presented this demo at the Blockchain Game Alliance demo day, showing game developers a way to enable real-world commerce transactions in their product without relying on a centralized intermediary.

Read more here

Community News

Boson Protocol Starts Hiring Campaign in the Metaverse

In partnership with Metaverse Billboards, Boson Protocol has been advertising in CryptoVoxels for our live job roles in what, we believe, is the first ever campaign of its kind in a decentralised metaverse. Take a look at our live roles here.

We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovation within the Web3 space, and that doesn’t stop with pioneering dCommerce but extends to everything we do — including hiring campaigns. To truly push the boundaries and be an instigator of change one must step outside of the status quo and do something truly different.

We have been using this campaign to further push our A-Team Bounty Program directly to one of our target audiences. Having seen the exponential growth of metaverses in general, and understanding the talent that hangs out there, we want to take our message right to the heart of the community.

Read more here

Announcing TE Academy as a dCommerce Ecosystem partner

We’re proud to announce that we are partnering with the Token Engineering Academy to assemble and educate this movement of builders.

The Token Engineering Academy will kick off the ‘Engineering dCommerce’ program with onboarding sessions open to anyone interested in this new field. We invite participants from a wide range of backgrounds to embark on this journey: e-commerce, data analytics, digital product, economics, engineering, and social sciences. As we are entering a new era in commerce, this program is the perfect starting point for everyone who’s looking to rebuild commerce infrastructure with web3 tools.

We are thrilled to announce our first course, “Introduction to Engineering dCommerce”. We will have multiple sessions for this, the first one taking place on the 21st of May, 18:30 CET. Sign up for the program here

Read more about the partnership here

Latest Partnerships

NiftyKey, powered by Boson Protocol, announces partnership with TapMyData

NiftyKey, the crypto rewards platform powered by Boson Protocol, is delighted to announce a partnership with Tapmydata, the decentralised data protocol that enables people to own their digital identity and monetise their data.

By using the Tap app, the project has broken new ground in the new data economy space proving users care about their data and who controls it. Their 10,000+ users have sent thousands of data access requests helping them reclaim their data and put it back in the hands of who it belongs to.

Read about the partnership here

NiftyKey, powered by Boson Protocol, announces partnership with Geogram

NiftyKey, the crypto rewards platform powered by Boson Protocol, is delighted to announce a partnership with Geogram, the spatial software and solutions developer, integrating digital and physical worlds.

Georam and NiftyKey will collaborate to explore integrating crypto rewards into digital twins of various environments that enhance onsite experiences for users. At a Geogram-enabled airport, for example, a passenger would be led by augmented reality wayfinding to passport control, then the quickest way through security, and from there on to their gate for immediate boarding. If the passenger has time to spare, they could be offered time-specific vouchers for use at shops or restaurants within the terminal. Making a purchase can be as easy as pointing a smartphone camera at an item and clicking on it. A smart contract would register the time and place of the transaction and trigger delivery of the item.

Read more here

Expert Articles

Introducing Boris Spremo, Head of Operations at Boson Protocol

With a background that has encompassed both early-stage startups and the most established of corporates, Boris is a key player in the Boson team. He explains in his own words why the Boson Protocol vision is so important.

“My task at the moment is building the dCommerce team, helping develop an innovation network with our partners and communities of eCommerce and Web3 experts, and working on the logistics modules that connect Boson’s exchange mechanism with the physical world. It’s a science in itself. This is going to be the rails to dematerialize and rematerialize physical objects into Web3 and back into the real world.”

Read the full article here

Signing off for another fortnight

Thank you for reading the newsletter and staying up to date. We will be back soon with more! Join the conversation with the rest of our community on telegram. We hope you have a fantastic end to your week.

All the best,

Alastair Band
Head of Community

About Boson Protocol

Boson Protocol’s vision is to enable a decentralized commerce ecosystem by funding and enabling the development of a stack of specialist applications to disrupt, demonopolize and democratize commerce.

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