10 Keys To Understanding Your Attraction To Women

Beauty and Attraction how it works

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readMay 3, 2024


Photo by pouriya kafaei on Unsplash

Physical beauty is undeniably attractive. Whether a man is spiritual or not, he can be attracted to the beauty of a woman. Therefore, understanding how attraction works is important. If not understood, it can be overwhelming and lead down a potentially destructive path in every relationship.

The 10 Keys to Understanding Your Attraction to Women

1. Understand What Beauty Is

It’s understandable why many young men don’t understand their attraction to women.

Understanding male attraction to women is something even the great seducers can’t understand!

Consider King Solomon, believed to be the wisest man on Earth, who had many wives and girlfriends. Even he might not have fully understood the complexities of beauty's influence on men.

2. Understand That Beauty Is Important, But Not Everything

The saying "beauty is vain" refers to its impermanent nature, like flowers that fade.

So, why is beauty still important? While beauty can initially attract someone, it's not the sole factor for a happy and fulfilling marriage. Qualities like character and shared values are also crucial.

3. Understand That Everyone Has Beauty

Everyone possesses some form of beauty, both internal and external. Beauty goes beyond just facial features.

4. Understand That Beauty Is Subjective

As Dag Heward-Mill states, what one person finds beautiful might not be the same for another. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

5. Understand That Each Age Has Its Own Beauty

Each stage of life has its unique beauty. You cannot recapture youth, but there's a beauty in aging as well as in being young.

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6. Understand Beauty Is Like a Flower

Like flowers, beauty may fade with time, but it transforms into a different kind of beauty. Beauty attracts attention, just like flowers attract pollinators.

The importance of inner beauty in relationships can’t be over emphasize!

7. Understand That Beauty & Attraction Depend on Many Factors

Many factors contribute to a woman's attractiveness, including clothing, hairstyles, personality, mood, laugh, and even makeup.

8. Understand That Inner Beauty Complements Outer Beauty

Inner beauty can enhance outer beauty. When someone feels good on the inside, it often shows on the outside.

9. Understand That Beauty Comes in All Forms

Beauty isn't one-size-fits-all. There's beauty in diversity, whether it's black, white, red, or any other ethnicity.

10. Understand That Character Matters Most

While beauty can attract someone initially, a successful relationship is not only built on emotional connection only but built on strong character and shared values. Beauty fades, but character endures.

Source:"Spiritual Dangers" by Dag Heward-Mill

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God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor"...to me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!