Why Youth Turn Out The Way They Are

Teach your children well!

God'sgift Oghale Amos
4 min readApr 15, 2024
Photo by Brandon Hoogenboom on Unsplash

There are great expectations on the Youths in our society today but if you look well, much have not been gotten or seen as a result of so many factors.

Our own Youths are believing hardworking don't pay and for the first time they are right and I agree with them. While will hardworking pay when we see people in Positions and everywhere succeed without struggling. Besides, the crowd encourages this kinds so they continue to get away...

But the question still remains who is to be blamed and held responsible for the way our youth and children have turned out to be today?

Many of us blame the parents, others points their fingers to our leaders and the media, while a handful of people still believe the youth are responsible for their behaviour or misbehaviour.

So let's look at it:

1) Parents:

The family is the basic and first ground of learning in any society strata. It is where the seed is sewn and the root spread. It is the first point of learning on how a child see a portion of the society to judge the wider aspect of it and parents are the soul and oxygen of it.

Remember, Without parents their is no family or a home. The parents are responsible for the training, teaching,etc of good societal values to the children.

The parents tell the the do's and don'ts that are in line with the general basic accepted community values.

They become responsible for the actions or inactions, behaviour, attitudes, characters,etc of their children to others from childhood to maturity.

Also remember, if a youth behaves well, people conclude that the youth is from a discipline home and if that same youth behaves otherwise, people (like me and you) fault the parents for not properly training the child.

Come to think of it, the most unfortunate thing is that most parents abandon their primary responsibilities building up their homes and families in pursuit of whatever they deem fit, like careers, pleasure, wealth, etc. and they justify their negligence or actions with good reasons. This noble reasons have give rise to Youths which are monsters and deviant social misfits.

2) Leadership and The Media:

Is our leaders, our own very leaders whom we appointed to stand for us and with us also a factor of this? Well, yes and no!

Bad examples are so obvious than good ones. They spread like virus and goes viral like wind.

Check what goes viral most on the internet and the news(media)? It will amaze you the truth is already in your head.

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Bad examples are easy to follow and cultivate than the good ones. Our leaders, holders of positions of authority in our countries, to say less, do not help matters at all as it had negative multiplier effects on the society. Cracking the sacred values once held by our forefathers!

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When bad examples are demonstrated by our leaders in position then what do you expect from Youths who look upon them, respect them, take them as role models,....to be good. Oh, yes! To be good-bad!

Most of our leaders are corrupt and spread this virus to their followers who majority are youths. They dupe innocent people. Some get into power with force and bribery to say less and display this kind of lifestyle in the media for all to see and congratulate.

Should I continue? Oh, no!
You know why? Because you know better with experience!

What about the media whose role in the society is to inform, educate, entertain and serve as the watch-dog of the society. Do they still do this?

Well let us talk more about the entertainment industries for example through music videos, movies and some publications have successfully polluted the minds of the youth and promoted indecent dressing, alcohol consumption and many dangerous habits... like gangsterism!

Most of our Youths now model their lives in accordance with their favourite celebrities which they see in the media.


Most youth like it fast, so fast they go!

Well if hardworking doesn't pay what will? I do not know, but guess what? Our youths knows best.

Most of our Youths are indolent and just lazy. Most parents have tried all they could but to no avail.

Remember, you can advice a youth all you can but you can't force the youth to follow your advice. Like you can't force a horse to drink from a river you have taken him to.

Most youth are just like that, stubborn and unwilling to learn or act on transformative acts.

They have decided own their own to take the wrong path no matter all their parents have strive for them. They take the responsibility not to be responsible but responsibility is the source of order in any society!

Society dies without responsible individuals!

Source: why our youth turn out the way they are- teach your children well by The Rev. Canon Olaleye Onitiju, from the journal "Ile Ayo", Issue 30, 2023.

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God'sgift Oghale Amos

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor"...to me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!