Bounties Network at ETHDenver: The Impactful Way into 2019

Celebrating our second ETHDenver with a series of creatively diverse collaborations

Simona Pop
Bounties Network
5 min readFeb 8, 2019


It’s safe to say that 2018 was the year of Bounties. When we created and launched the StandardBounties protocol at the end of 2017, we couldn’t have foreseen just how powerful bounties would become in terms of incentivising and organizing action across such a wide range of usecases.

It began in earnest at ETHDenver 2018 when we asked the many great people building the Ethereum ecosystem one simple question:

“If you could bounty anything in the world, what would it be?”

Some of the answers to our staple 2018 question

From then on, the creative approach to mobilizing individuals and communities alike continued as we launched several community networks across the ETHGlobal circuit and during Prague Blockchain Week. All these activations served to broaden not just the use cases for bounties but our audiences too. For so many of our users, completing a bounty is the first introduction to the web3 space.

To celebrate this year of expansion, we’re creating a multifaceted engagement in Colorado that will feature a few very exciting partnerships:

UNICEF x Bounties Network

We’ve joined forces with UNICEF France and UNICEF Ventures to launch a positive action token project. The project’s first “outing” will be at ETHDenver and is designed to encourage hackathon attendees to participate in a variety of bounties across the two days and make a positive impact within their community — both in the local and broader ecosystem.

Called Boost (BST), the token is part of a much wider project that will continue across UNICEF Innovation events throughout 2019 and will focus on boosting efforts to make the world a better place. The name for the token was chosen through a bounty as we wanted to involve the community from the very beginning. We will also setup a design bounty, paying out in BST, to crowdsource a logo illustrating the meaning and mission of our initiative.

We decided to mint 1,000,001 tokens to illustrate our belief that individuals are as important as their communities and communities as important as the individuals they are made of. All for one and one for all.

The main focus of this initiative is long term incentivization of individual contributions to improving communities locally and globally while accruing a digital public acknowledgement of their positive actions.

ETHDenver Chronicles

We teamed up with Status to help them collect, capture, and edit content provided by the diverse ETHDenver attendees and community. ETHDenver is so much more than the hackathon itself; and this is a chance to capture all of this. From every point of view. From different angles and different perspectives.

The Chronicles are an attempt to open source the recap film and put bounties on submitting videos, photos, interviews, or quite literally anything we can hack together into a final edit. Whether you are shooting video and taking photos on your phone, or capturing high quality content with DSLR — we want it all! The content bounties are already up and there will also be a bounty on the final edit itself. Not only does this flex the power of our incredible open source community, it also allows us to recap the event from a diverse perspective.

Once again, we want to capture everything from as many different perspectives as possible. So share it all! Full Status post here.

Opera x Bounties Network

We are partnering with our friends at Opera and bringing ETHDenver attendees a selection of bounties ranging from finding bugs to removing Web3.js injection dependency from dapps, trying out the Opera crypto wallet and even getting your very own made-to-order and probably unique Non-Fungible Human T-Shirt or Hoodie from the Opera Crypto Shop!

As the first major browser to integrate a crypto wallet, enabling seamless access to the emerging web of tomorrow (Web 3), 2019 is set to be an exciting year for Opera. We want to help them engage and incentivize the community to join them on their journey into crypto!

Apprentio Workshop

The Apprentio workshop will be held February 16th and 17th during the ETHDenver BUIDLATHON. It will be a hands-on introduction to blockchain for all age groups, but content will be focused for youth between the ages of 13–17. There will be discussions on the history of money, the history of the internet, programming, token economics and incentive mechanisms, web3 games, product management, and more.

We’ll be providing some very practical and engaging “earn as you learn” bounties where workshop participants will get to discover useful information interactively and be rewarded in cryptocurrency. After utilizing all of the educational tools and resources provided by the mentor teams, Apprentio attendees will then have the chance to #buidl their own blockchain projects too!

The Faces of Ethereum & The Truebit MakerSpace

As part of our continued work in broadening perspectives and inclusivity within the blockchain ecosystem, we are to launching a “Faces of Ethereum” portrait series. The project will launch at ETHDenver in the Truebit MakerSpace. It will hopefully become a constant throughout 2019 so that at the end of the year a giant image made up of all the unique portraits collected throughout the year can be unveiled and sold at auction — potentially at DevconV.

A bounty will be setup to incentivize submissions with a small reward but all works will be tokenized and sold on SuperRare. Full post from Truebit detailing our broader MakerSpace collaboration will be live on Monday, 11th.

One of the main things we’ve realized while expanding the use of bounties to non tech verticals is that anyone can #BUIDL. It’s why we’ve always focused on multiple applications and activations through bounties. It’s all about making crypto accessible beyond versed core audiences.

Colorado Network

You know the drill by now, the Colorado bounty network is live on Mainnet and built using our StandardBounties Protocol. It will use ETH and any ERC20 token for all reward payments and will form the framework for community incentivization and organization during ETHDenver and any Colorado Blockchain related initiatives thereafter.

These engagement exercises are all about inclusivity, expanding the use of blockchain into simple real-world applications that allow users to engage with Ethereum across verticals.

Check it out and get involved.

Pre ETHDenver Meetups

And because we love icing on our cakes, we are also running a meetup February 13th all about BUIDLing Systems that Empower Impact by Design featuring a design workshop and co-hosting a get-together with 3Box, ConsenSys Diligence, Gitcoin, Panvala and Kauri after Ethereum Magicians Colorado Gathering on February 14th.

See you in Denver!

Follow us on Twitter for live ETHDenver action, join our community or subscribe to our updates for all future community engagement action.



Simona Pop
Bounties Network

Head of Community @ethstatus | Co-founder @ethbounties, creative & speaker. Omelette eater.