An Experiential Resort — Rainforest Athirapally, Kerala, India.

Tarun Gupta
Tarun Gupta
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2020


O.C. Thomas (Founder) built this luxury boutique resort in 2006 overlooking the majestic Athirapally waterfalls. His focus was not only the luxury inside the room but also the experiences that are outside, which makes the stay so memorable. However, he was facing a problem that the existing content wasn’t communicating clearly about the place to the global audience.

Amidst nature


Kerala has some of the most beautiful properties at breathtaking locations. Our task was two-fold:

  • Break the clutter in the chaos of hundreds of luxury resorts in Kerala. Offer tourist what they haven’t experienced yet.
  • Showcase the experiences one can encounter if they come and stay at the resort.

Deliverable was a video, website, a magazine ad and email communication strategy


We positioned Rainforest as an experiential resort. With our communication, our aim was to break the preconceived notions of luxury. At the same time, we were aware that being in the luxury category we cannot completely ignore the cliche, but decided to give it a spin keeping in mind the searches on the internet. This is how we targeted audience who are looking for luxury and redefined the meaning of luxury to them.

Rich, rare, and undiscovered experiences. If this is not luxury, nothing is.


The task at hand was to connect with nature travellers. We strategically decided, based on current travel patterns, to cast a female lead (30+) and show her journey as a solo traveller. This inherently brings in the safety aspect along with the different experiences she encounters during her stay.


The task here was to bring alive the promise of unique experiences through a dynamic website. We decided to dedicate our website to “real stories” found as reviews on trip advisor and This brings in authenticity and truthfulness which otherwise is difficult to craft. Presently, the visitors are encouraged to share their experience in the form of a story and they can stand a chance to get featured on the website + win a free stay.

Open the door to this incredibly absorbing view. Wondering, where this door is? It’s here, in each of our 10 exclusive rooms. When you step out, you enter an unbelievably sublime world — lush greens, rich wildlife, bubbly rivers and therapeutic sounds. Athirapally still preserves the nature in the form it should be in. Steal it all, while you stay here, so that it stays with you till you can return.

Magazine Ad

The team decided to take the message further to nature lovers by collaborating with one of the leading magazines — The Outlook Traveller

Designed Ad
Actual print

Email communication strategy:

Email communication strategy, before and after the visit to enhance the experience and instil excitement. This is in the deployment stage.

Avenue Hotels:

Additionally to bring in all the properties by O.C. Thomas at one uniform platform, we designed and deployed Avenue Hotels landing page.

Who are we?

We are independent creative professionals. We work as a team for projects we are genuinely interested in. With a maximum of 4–5 projects in a year, we have a focussed approach to deliver the best of work, which is unique, original and memorable.

The team who worked on Rainforest:

Other re-branding projects:

O Genie: A voice-activated travel buddy

tmw: Banking of tomorrow

Link to complete portfolio: click here



Tarun Gupta
Tarun Gupta

Independent brand strategist, crowdfunding expert and filmmaker. Currently based in India.