Top Stories published by Brains & Beards in 2017

What makes React Native difficult to learn

You might’ve already read that I’ve recently taught a university course of React Native. There was a big contraint: my part of the course was really short —I had only two days.

Should you learn React Native?

I’ve recently taught a React Native course at La Salle Campus of the Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona. They offer a master’s degree in Apps Design and Development and as a part of it there’s course where students compare different solutions for creating mobile…

Expectation Management

In our first real No Brainers episode (I’m not counting the introduction here) we talked about expectation management. Making sure we’re all on the same page and working towards the same goal is crucial to good communication. And communication is crucial to project success!

Animations in React Native

Last month I gave a talk at React Native Berlin, a local meetup for people interested in this revolutionary mobile technology. It was a live coding session where I showed how to create both fast & easy, and completely custom animation effects to improve the experience you offer to…

Are All Processes Terrible?

Recently, Patryk created another episode for our videocast on project management and other soft skills that will help you deliver better projects fast. This one’s about processes that we use in our daily work. Feel free to watch it on YouTube or read a transcript below. Enjoy!