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Bread N Wine
Sacramental Bread and Wine
Theology of Food
Bread n Wine Homepage
Theological basis for Bread 'n Wine
1. Bread in the Bible
1. Bread in the Bible
What do we mean by the word “bread?” Bread is composed of 3 ingredients: wheat, water, and salt.
Nate Carden
Mar 29, 2019
2. Wheat Went Wrong?
2. Wheat Went Wrong?
In the 1960’s an American agronomist named Norman Borlaug figured out a way to hybridize a semi-dwarf wheat with traditional wheat. This…
Nate Carden
Mar 30, 2019
3. Bringing our Best Offering to God
3. Bringing our Best Offering to God
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “the Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life.’ ‘The other sacraments, and…
Nate Carden
Mar 31, 2019
Latest Articles
Gifts of Bread and Wine
Gifts of Bread and Wine
Listen, read and contemplate on these lyrics:
Nate Carden
Nov 14, 2020
Patagonia’s Sustainable Food Documentary
Patagonia’s Sustainable Food Documentary
Beautifully shot film!
Nate Carden
Feb 16, 2019
Journey From Wheat To Flour
Journey From Wheat To Flour
This is an interesting video about how wheat is sorted, ground, sifted and ground again to get the flour that we buy in the supermarket.
Nate Carden
Feb 16, 2019
“What’s With Wheat?” Documentary
“What’s With Wheat?” Documentary
What I learned from this documentary (you can find it on Netflix) and the questions that it spawned:
Nate Carden
Feb 16, 2019
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
I will be going through all of the episodes in this podcast by Father Thomas Hopko…
Nate Carden
Feb 16, 2019
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