Go to BritPol
BritPol is a publication dedicated to sharing a multitude of opinions and stories regarding the latest developments in British politics. From Brexit to the Coronavirus, BritPol aims to cover a wide range of perspectives on some of the major issues.
Note from the editor

BritPol is a publication dedicated to sharing a multitude of opinions and stories regarding the latest developments in British politics. From Brexit to the Coronavirus, BritPol aims to cover a wide range of perspectives on some of the major issues.

Go to the profile of Matt
Occasional writer, Full-time student Twitter:https://twitter.com/MattMusindi
Go to the profile of Matt
Occasional writer, Full-time student Twitter:https://twitter.com/MattMusindi
Go to the profile of Sh. Fakhir Jibran
Sh. Fakhir Jibran
Fakhir is a student of Political Science at the University of the Punjab, Lahore. At present, he is working as a freelance journalist.
Go to the profile of Roxanna Azimy
Roxanna Azimy
Interested in all things ethics, culture, gender, health & psychology. Asking the hard questions but not claiming to have all the answers. roxannaazimy.com