From Whence We Came

It’s At-la’s World, Afterall.

Dear Diary,

Karma might be a bitch, but at least she’s fair. People rarely get what they don’t deserve.


Atil ♡

Cinoa’s Return

BROMIDES…continued…[begin at the beginning, if you’d like…or start here and read in whatever order makes you feel alive]…

“But how does it work?” the furtive uniform finally asks. She doesn’t know, “No one knows for sure.” “But you know for sure that this man was bound to…

The Window Model Part II

…if you’d rather, you can easily begin with “The Window Model” if you don’t understand what the eph a window model is, or you can begin at the beginning of all this nonsense (weekly uploads of a 250,000-word manuscript written back in 2017, just now [since the fall of 2019] being…

A Lingerer Lingers

…because the world is flat, again.

[This is a portion of a completed first draft of a sci-fi manuscript titled Bromides and is the sequel to a self-published work titled Red & Blue Make Green, and it is the next installment of that sci-fi manuscript, which is uploaded…