9 Keys to Successful SMS Campaigns

Irene Rufferty
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2017

Making an effective SMS campaign, every marketer should take into account the following recommendations for successful bulk SMS messaging outcome. Which ones? They’re right below.

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Key Demands

1. Active phone number base for SMS sending:

- Be sure to have the up to date database for sending out information via SMS;

- Use the contact information only upon subscriber’ permission;

- Update the subscriber’s database regularly, delete inactive subscribers;

- Ensure the safety and security of your subscriber base;

- Use targeting to send SMS only to those who might be potentially interested in.

2. SMS text:

- Compose a text with a hook;

- Compose short texts;

- Compose texts according to the federal advertising laws, which put forward a lot of requirements of the content for advertising messages;

- Be sure to place active contacts in text messages;

- Personalize the content;

- Do not use non-obvious abbreviations;

- Add value to your content.

3. SMS delivery time:

- Transactional SMS messages are an exception. They can be received at any time of the day or night, do not send SMS messages early in the morning, in the evening or late at night. Analyze whether it is worth sending SMS on weekends and holidays.

- Do not abuse: do not try to squeeze out your database till nothing’s left. Use this resource carefully, thoughtfully and steady. We recommend contacting your customers more than once a month.

- Send newsletters on time, especially if the power of your call center is not enough to handle the incoming calls.

4. Sender’s signature:

- Use alphabetic SMS signatures, do not use digital signatures.

5. Feeds / gateways:

While referring to SMS messaging, act according to the federal communication laws. In addition, direct channels provide the maximum percentage of delivery.

6. SMS messaging analytics:

- Normal newsletter response of the messages sent is 0.1–1%;

  • Analyze each message return.

Keys to SMS Messaging Success

1. Efficiency

Any information must be delivered to the addressee on time. Forewarned is forearmed. The client should also mind the time and money required to participate in the offers proposed or to purchase a specific product/service in advance. Remember that your clients are not just wallets with money, but people with certain demands that should be satisfied first of all.

2. Relevance

New Year’s greetings on Thanksgivings’ day just won’t do. Neither, will the information about last year’s product or service updates, especially if you are releasing a newer product. Deliver to the client only fresh and up-to-date information, the knowledge of which help to satisfy their needs.

3. Unobtrusiveness

Make it quality, not the quantity. In the case of SMS, it is necessary to stay laconic, adding value to the content. Write less, but write enough. Do not abuse the customers with extra information. It is better to describe the essence of your thoughts, so as not to deprive the client of interest in your company and its activities, etc.

4. Being convincing

The content of SMS messages should be informative and unobtrusive at the same time. In addition, it should have a direct effect on the addressee without forcing the instructions described in the message to follow, but encouraging compliance with them. SMS notification — a subtle hint at a well-thought-out turn of events.

5. Being caring

Look for an individual approach to each client. Do not forget that the consumer is also a person who is characterized by experiencing the full spectrum of feelings and emotions: joy and anger, happiness or disappointment, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, etc. Deal with that. Sending SMS congratulations will have a positive effect on the customer’s attitude towards your company.

6. Regularity

SMS notifications should not be delivered to customers in a chaotic manner. They must be well planned and monitored. It is necessary that congratulatory SMS notifications reach the consumer strictly on the day of the holiday, not sooner or later. The client should get an impression of being remembered all the time.

8. No spam

People should be aware that unwanted messages are called spam because they are really not desired. More than that, it’s not legal to send spam anymore. Sending spam to attract the new customers is, undoubtedly, a common way to compete on the market, however. Many users, due to their ignorance or inattention are caught by the fraudsters in this way.

However, if you are planning long-term business relations, it’s better to carefully write your SMS content and add some value to it. Anyway, in time only the most decent companies will remain in the customers focus. Do you want to be one of them? SMS text is the key.

9. Responsibility

It is related to any business connected with big money. It is necessary to approach the work process seriously and be ready to take responsibility in the case of force majeure. When you mention tomorrow sales in SMS newsletter, then there must be tomorrow. In other words, when you cheat, you look low in the eyes of your consumers. If the firm does not keep its word, then it will not be able to retain the clients either. Fair enough, eh?

In order to achieve the greatest productivity with SMS messaging campaigns, always remember the key rules of success and follow them each time you need to organize your SMS campaign. If you really value your audience, appreciate and respect each of them and show it with your well-thought messages.

