How to Reach More than 800 Million Users

Irene Rufferty
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2017

Have you ever thought of what unites your clients, other entrepreneurs or your partners, application designers, and each individual on this planet? It’s communication, of course.

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The truth is when people wanna stay connected between each other, communicate with companions, relatives, business partners or whoever else, they go after their cell phones and communicate. What’s more, they don’t talk, they message. Right, text is a universal language that unites various people all around the world.

What’s more people are no longer limited by SMS. They extensively use their private social media accounts or create accounts, especially for business. Thus, modern telecommunication solutions allow using Viber or other instant messengers for business, even for triggered mass messaging.

Can you imagine that Viber, LINE, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger are used by more than 2.4BN individuals all over the world?

Why Viber?

Since BSG has entered European market by opening an office in Poland and launched a brand new Viber messaging solution, it has gained more clients than ever, especially in Western Europe. No wonder, new solutions allow expanding the audience and boosting sales. Working with Viber is beneficial in many ways:

  • Contact with a new audience

The new channel will help to establish contact with quite new audience, even with the potential customers for whom it’s inconvenient to communicate via some different channels.

  • Viber’s a two-way communication

You can exchange messages with the clients inside the messenger. It costs nothing to respond in appropriate cases. Involvement will grow.

  • It forms customers community

The greatest value of messengers is that they may more easily convey the value added content to the users and in a quite understandable for them manner.

  • It brings useful content

With the help of Viber, you can easily create massive messaging campaigns, share news of the industry, photos of new products, notify about discounts and promotions and much other stuff.

  • The fastest channel for making orders

You can easily provide the customers with an opportunity to place an order with the manager as quickly as possible directly in the messenger. Without waiting for a call or an e-mail.

At the same time, the convenient messenger functions are preserved:

  • Exchange emotions with emoji and stickers,
  • Receiving voice messages from customers,
  • Message Status: Sent, Delivered, Read,
  • File share:photo and video,
  • Getting a location, etc.

Since February 2014, 100% of the company’s shares belong to Japanese company Rakuten, founded by a billionaire Hiroshi Mikitani. Thus, according to the first quarter report from the Japanese corporation, the number of active messenger users in the world estimates 249 million people.

In total, Viber has about 573 million of registered users. This is a large database that completely explains the business’s interest in Viber. With all your marketing and sales potential it will be easy to gain about 800 million users, altogether with the users of Viber.

In marketing terms, however, leaving only one communication channel for the customers is absolutely wrong. Thus, Viber often combine with other sales channels like old good SMS and so on.

So, Viber, like Skype, and WhatsApp work fine as a modern channels for communication with the clients and projects, similar to the product/services sale through Viber can be launched as an extra marketing move — to attract attention to the main business. This can be a good PR-reason to attract attention to the company of wider and wider audiences.

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