How to Use E-mail + SMS Effectively?

Irene Rufferty
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2017

Telecommunications marketers use various channels to communicate with the target audience. No wonder, there’s an obvious necessity. Since, email has been popular for a long time and is always among Top Most Popular Business Communication Tools Everyone Knows, every company tries to use e-mail messages to contact the customers from time to time, alongside SMS or other communication ways.

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SMS as a channel for communication with your audience and advertising has become relevant and popular not so long time ago, and not everyone knows how to correctly use SMS messaging for business and advertising, especially in a winning combination with e-mailing. So, why to use these 2 channels together and what benefits can they provide you with?

Extra Attention

First, by using 2 channels simultaneously, you get 2 times more attention. If a recipient of the mailings is interested in goods or services that you offer, he/ she will more likely treat the information received through email and SMS with especial interest further on.

Efficiency Increased

Connecting two channels for communication together increases efficiency and gives the best result from advertising (if the mailings were used to cater promotional materials).

For example: you sent an SMS message to a customer and double the info via an email. This client opened only SMS and read it. As a result, you reached the client, no matter if he or she checked the email box. But if you chose to send the email only, then the message could be missed and not read.

By working with two channels, you increase the number of mailing views and, accordingly, get better results (increase in the number of purchases, visits to the site, etc.)

Text + Images

If SMS is only a text message, you can always add a visual part to the e-mail: general design, images, video, links to the website, etc. If you wanna have the same via SMS, do it through Viber.

The visual component is more likely to attract the user’s’ attention to your information at first glance, than dry and purely promotional text. However, SMS message more briefly states the information, therefore reading and perception takes less time and does not distract from business, especially on the go.

Use It in Complex

An example of a complex use: in the SMS messaging, we inform the recipient of the basic information in a teaser. In the email newsletter the same information should be presented with the details, visual support, buttons with a call to action, and so on. What’s the point: despite the fact that newsletter presents the same information as SMS, we use the opportunities and advantages of all channels to the maximum.

Sure thing, each of these channels has its own advantages and disadvantages (SMS can not contain much information, and email can get into spam), but the fact remains — by using SMS and email together, you reach the audience twice more, than while working with only one communication channel. So, think of that.

Feel free to sign up for free and try using Email and SMS in a winning combination with us right away!

