Go to Build Health International Stories
Build Health International Stories
Global health stories at the intersection of infrastructure and impact. Build Health International is building the foundation for global health equity. Visit our website to learn more and get involved!
Note from the editor

Every person has a human right to quality healthcare, but inadequate infrastructure often stands in the way. That is why we build. BHI designs and equip dignified spaces for care in the world’s most vulnerable communities, enabling local clinicians to work at their full potential. Through responsive, sustainable design, we maximize the efficiency of each facility so our partners can invest in what matters most: providing lifesaving care to those who need it.

Go to the profile of Build Health International
Build Health International
Building the foundation for global health equity through design, construction and clinical planning in low-resource settings.
Go to the profile of Olivia Duggan
Olivia Duggan
Olivia is Build Health International’s Communication Manager. She writes about the intersections of health and infrastructure, with a focus on the impact.
Go to the profile of Niamé Daffé
Global Health Specialist
Niamé Daffé
Niamé Daffé is Build Health International’s Global Public Health Specialist on the Research and Clinical Planning team.
Go to the profile of Jim Ansara
Co-Founder & Director
Jim Ansara
Jim is the Co-Founder and Director of Build Health International, a non-profit healthcare architecture and engineering firm that builds
Go to the profile of David Walton
Co-Founder & CEO
David Walton
Physician, Passionate advocate for Social Justice, working to be on the right side of history
Go to the profile of Gina Goldenberg