5 Ways to Gain Confidence in Your Writing

Jesse Nieman
Bulletproof Writers
4 min readMar 2, 2018

This is something that I have struggled with in the past.

Writing can be a daunting task to face. It’s one that requires vulnerability and inspiration.

Whether you are creating stories or sharing information, you are putting your thoughts and ideas out for the world to interact with.

Often, this interaction can bring with it some fear of what people may think.

This fear can cripple any effort to succeed in writing, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can write with confidence despite what the world around you has to say.

Here are 5 ways to get over fear and gain confidence in your writing:

1. Write for yourself.

First and foremost, your writing should be about what you get out of it. If there is ever a place to be selfish, it is here.

Personally, I write to get my thoughts on paper. I tend to find it easier to articulate what’s in my head when I write it down rather than sharing it by speaking.

Writing has become an outlet. A way for me to express my thoughts and passions.

What is it for you?

If you don’t enjoy the practice of writing or what you are writing about, you will soon experience burnout and hate what you do.

Write about things you want to learn about. Write about what you are passionate about. Write about what makes you happy. Write about what makes you better.

I am writing this very post to help myself gain confidence in my writing.

Your goal should be to create value for yourself. Yes, you should definitely create value for other people (we will get to this), but if you don’t receive any value from what you write, then what’s the point!?

2. Write to offer a solution.

Solve a problem.

Often, I write about areas in which I have expertise or in which I’ve just solved a problem.

For example, I recently wrote an article offering a few powerful insights to navigating relationships. These were all insights that I’ve picked up over the last couple years, and especially since I’ve been married.

I wrote from what I knew and offered help in an area I felt I had success in.

The best thing about it is that I can now look back on those insights as reminders for my own life.

People are always looking for solutions to the problems they face. Most won’t even take the time to read if there isn’t something in it for them.

If you create real value, I promise you will be more than overjoyed when someone comments on one of your posts about how it helped them. The value that helping other people brings to your own life is unlike anything else. It will help you to feel more confident than ever.

3. Take criticism as a grain of salt.

Think about what salt does to your food. If you add a lot, it can be overbearing. (Remember the first time you accidentally poured too much? You won’t do that again!) But if you just add one grain, you can hardly taste it.

Take criticism the same way. There are pleanty of critics out there. Some negative, and some positive. They have a lot to offer to a maturing writer, but not all of it is good advice.

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback.

Criticism should be respected, but don’t let it affect you unless you know it is good, or unless it’s repeated.

When you receive the same feedback over and over from multiple sources, you can be assured that it’s a real issue to fix, or skill that you’ve crafted.

Pay attention to those comments. Those are the insights that will make a difference. You’ll find confidence in what you’re good at and hope in what you can improve.

4. Write more.

The more you write, the more you will understand your style and what topics you write well in.

It’s just like anything else in life that you want to get good at.

Reggie Jackson, an MLB Hall of Famer, once said that

“a baseball swing is a very finely tuned instrument. It is repetition, and more repetition, then a little more after that.”

Your style, portfolio, etc. is the result of writing, and more writing, then a little more after that.

It’s as simple as that.

As you write, you will get better and better with each “swing”.

You will gain confidence as you write more and perfect your craft. If you feel discouraged right now, just keep going. You will experience breakthrough soon!

5. Remember rule #1.

If you are writing for anyone, it should be for you.

I write for me first, and then for others.

You should enjoy it. You should learn from it. You should become a better person because of it.

Thanks for taking time to read this. Seriously. It means a ton. Feel free to let me know what you think!

If this has brought any value to you, please share so other people can grow as well!

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Jesse Nieman
Bulletproof Writers

Web designer and developer | Technical Sales Lead @ Finsweet | Webflow Global Leader