Gamedev Log: “The Escape” #1 (Unity/C#)

A daily log of how I program a basic Unity/C# game: “The Escape”!

Mina Pêcheux
C# Programming


TOC | Gamedev Log: “The Escape” #2 ➡️

For the upcoming couple of weeks, I’ve decided to work on a small-sized Unity/C# game and regularly post updates on the features and bug fixes I develop. So I’ll be writing a daily “gamedev log” and posting one new episode every day.

The challenge will follow 2 important rules:

  • I’ll work on this project up to 1 hour every day — the rest will be for other projects; so every new log will be the result of an additional hour of work, at maximum
  • I want each new demo video to show something new… so this hour needs to result in some visual changes (it can’t be all about refactoring or bug fixing)!

In every episode, I’ll discuss the features I added, show a little demo of the game up to this point and talk a bit about some of the tricks I used for these features.

I hope you’ll like it — and let’s dive in directly with a quick description of the game, and the first features from day #1! :)

About the game

The game is called The Escape and it will be very basic: you just control a little spaceship and try to avoid the randomly



Mina Pêcheux
C# Programming

I’m a freelance full-stack web & game developer. I’m passionate about topics like CGI, music, data science and more! Find me at: :)