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California’s Innovation Economy
How can we promote California’s Innovation Economy?
Government Policy to Result in $10 Billion in Increased GDP and 84,000 New Jobs by 2025.
Government Policy to Result in $10 Billion in Increased GDP and 84,000 New Jobs by 2025.
What’s wrong with this headline? The answer is absolutely nothing or is it too good to be true? A study recently released by the Milken…
Paul Gladfelty
Dec 10, 2015
Let’s Boost California’s Innovation Economy by $10.6 Billion before 2025.
Recently, President Obama along with 20 other global leaders, have announced Mission Innovation; an initiative of 20 countries that are…
Paul Gladfelty
Dec 1, 2015
Open Data Brings understanding and engagement to public budgets.
Open Data Brings understanding and engagement to public budgets.
Creating a budget is one of the most important tasks of government, but citizens are more disconnected than ever from the public budgets…
Paul Gladfelty
Aug 31, 2015
Peter Thiel On the Future of Innovation
Watch the full conversation:
Paul Gladfelty
Jul 15, 2015
An Economic Vision For California
An Economic Vision For California
Paul Gladfelty
Dec 30, 2013
About California’s Innovation Economy
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