AI for Africa Through Google

Quartz reported on the deveopments of artificial intelligence in Africa due to Google with the develop of more AI research through an infusion from Google with the Africa AI research center.

Research on Sex-Change Mice

The Guardian reported on the change of the sex of some mice.

The removal of some DNA strands cause some previously normal males to grow ovaries and female genitalia. This, some think, may provide some insight into the development of human sexual…

This Week in Technology 2018–06–11

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen

“This past week more than 5,000 people made their way to Las Vegas to learn that the biggest bet they need to place has nothing to do with casino games. It’s a bet on technology; specifically, Artificial Intelligence…

Bees Know Zero

Science Magazine reported on one of the important and foundational concepts in the human mathematical arsenal comes in the form “0” or zero; based on the newest research, some experiments indicate bees understand the concept or idea of zero.

This Week in Physical Sciences 2018–06–10

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen

“CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING physics problem.

An object with a mass of 1 kg and a velocity of 1 m/s in the x-direction has a net force of 1 Newton pushing on it (also in the

This Week in Life Sciences 2018–06–10

By Scott Douglas Jacobsen

“LAWRENCE — Within public relations, the standard practice of looking out for №1 and viewing relationships as sources of conflict and competition is defended by best-selling textbooks and a generation of…

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