CanYa Update —
Growth & Development Strategy

Published in
7 min readJul 10, 2020
Image designed & created by CanWork graphic designer, Omotayo Taiwo. Available for hire with BNB or your favourite BEP2 asset, here:

We have reached a pivotal moment that heralds a new era for the CanYa project & community.

  1. The major tech developments for CanWork — our digital services marketplace on Binance Chain — and our token migration is now complete!
  2. These milestones coincide with the announcement of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) testnet, which promises the smart-contract technology we need to complete our decentralised vision and add value to the CanYa ecosystem.

Here we present a growth & development strategy that aims to:

a. Briefly reflect upon these milestones
b. Detail immediate, high-value priorities & goals for CanWork
c. Share a vision for the future

Pivotal Project Milestones

CanYa continues to develop & evolve alongside the maturing cryptocurrency landscape. Before investing further time & resources, we stop to reflect upon the state of the project and focus on a future vision.

Retro Roadmap — Major milestones to now

Binance Chain mainnet launched in March 2019. The CanYa community saw its massive potential to build a low-cost, digital services marketplace powered by cryptocurrency & a self-sustaining decentralised ecosystem.

With significant CanWork development already on Ethereum, it was a big pivot to Binance Chain but we announced our migration plans in May 2019.

Since then, major milestones have been reached:

1. CanYaCoin Migration & Token Swap
We migrated the CanYaCoin (CAN) token in June 2019 and began the token swap from an Ethereum-based ERC-20 asset to a Binance Chain (BEP2) asset.

2. Binance Chain (BEP2) Payments & Escrow for CanWork
In May 2020, we completed the Binance Chain payments upgrade for CanWork. This involved core development on Binance Chain (funded by Binance grants) and a custom-built, hedged escrow to accept all BEP2 assets as payments.

CanWork payments selection — choose from BNB or other Binance Chain assets from your wallet

3. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Test-net Released
Binance Smart Chain (BSC) — “a parallel Binance Chain to enable smart contracts” — was announced in May 2020 and CanYa was invited to explore the test-net.

Excited by the promise of smart-contract technology to realise decentralised goals, we announced our research and development into BSC in June 2020, expressing interests towards:

  • Redeploying the escrow as a ‘trustless’ BSC smart-contract. The current escrow is owned & controlled by the CanYa team.
  • Resuming development of CanSwap — permissionless ‘liquidity pools’ — and other DeFi products.

Now is the Time to Focus on the Future

Now the major Binance Chain tech development and migration is complete, we can focus on growth & utility. We see this in three parts with:

  1. CanWork — Growth & Development
  2. CanYa — Brand & Vision
  3. Binance Smart Chain — Research & Development
3-phase approach: 1) CanWork Growth, 2) CanYa Vision, 3) Binance Smart Chain R&D.

CanWork — Growth & Development

Here we present the first in the series all about CanWork.

We already use CanWork for our own research, development & design-hiring needs but it’s time to grow!

Wants & Needs Categories

There are three needs categories toward our goals:

1. Platform Development — Maintenance, Optimisation & Features
2. User Growth & Marketing — Awareness, Discoverability & Engagement
3. Usability — On-boarding, Guides and User Experience

We list the key needs and desires in each of these categories below:

Key needs and desires for CanWork Growth, Development & Usability

Identify High-Value Priorities

Our immediate actions must address the highest priorities in each category and seek to maximise value through priorities that satisfy multiple needs. The Venn diagram below seeks to identify these high-value priorities.

Venn Diagram: The overlap of Growth, Development & Usability needs identifies high-value priorities: Blog & Content on Domain, Jobs, Research & Development and Optimisation

Content on CanWork

Intuitively, the first and most valuable priority is the building of blog & content pages for CanWork. This can be seen in the overlaps of:

  1. Marketing — Search engine optimisation (SEO) & content marketing
  2. Development — Platform improvement and a home for blogs & updates
  3. Usability — On-domain home for our guides and related cryptocurrency & freelancing resources
  4. (Bonus) Jobs — We can also leverage the development and content needs by creating jobs on CanWork!
Blog & Content: Content Marketing, User Guides, Blog & Updates, SEO & Engagement, Showcase, About, Social Media Sharable, CanWork Tooltip Linked, Jobs for CanWorkers

Content Pages Development Plan & SEO Consultation

We have already taken preliminary research into the technical & SEO considerations for the content page build and will finalised an SEO-informed plan this month:

  • On-domain — Must be on domain (no redirects)
  • Minimise complexity — Can use our current development framework
  • Speed to MVP implementation — For rapid use with a view to improve basic CMS for ongoing content creation
  • SEO expert review — On URL & category structure, site map and metadata

SEO — Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy and inextricably linked to the CanWork blog & content pages.

We have already received a professional SEO review of CanWork, consultation for current SEO practices and recommendation based on our needs & goals. We will continue to work with an SEO expert to review our:

  • Technical plans — Blog & content pages development
  • CanWork site — structure & optimisation
  • SEO action plan — URL structure, metadata, content structure, SEO elements & linking strategy
  • Content strategy — Keyword research and content planning

Site & structure improvements

Beyond the content page development, other SEO-related site improvements include:

  • Site map — Google search to understand site
  • Web speed — optimisation & compression for rankings and UX
  • Restructure CanWork Header/Footer — standardise & improve linking, crucial for Google to understand the page & categories
  • Upgrade the 404 page — UX and linking

Content Marketing & Guides

Immediately, we aim to undertake:

  • Keyword Research — in consultation with SEO/marketing expert
  • Content Marketing Strategy — with SEO/marketing expert review
  • Content production — and publication in line with the content page build
  • Guide production— and publication in line with content page build

Ongoing Development, Features & Integrations

On-going maintenance and development is essential for CanWork growth. We will continue to work on our issues backlog, maintenance, security and bugs. We also aim to implement the following features:

Git Express — Rapid job creation for Software Development teams on Binance Chain

This feature integrates Gitlab and Github to create rapid job post based on software development issues. We developed an MVP of this feature for our own use. It requires a few tweaks and we will promote it as a new feature for Binance Chain software development teams.

Tooltip System — Lightweight, global Tips & Guides on-demand

User feedback tells us that CanWork needs additional tools to help guide users, particularly with understanding & trusting the new payment system. We will implement a clean and lightweight tooltip system to assist users at all stages of the CanWork experience with tips and links to resources.

A tech analysis & implementation plan has already been developed and will be implemented in parallel to the blog & content pages.

Stage 1. Implementation & writing of primary guides
Stage 2. Expansion of guides and linking to on-domain resources

Quality Freelancers and Account Clean-up

A quality & trusted marketplace is paramount to trust & growth. CanWork still contains many old accounts — that have not converted to the Binance Chain token address — and some users who are no longer responsive.

We will purge the site this month, starting again with only those who have signed up with a BNB address. We will notify all users via email and social media next week, with a 14-day deadline.

This will help with identifying & contacting active talent. We will also enforce a quality standard for all new profiles going forward. This action forms part of a broader goal to promote CanWork services and form partnerships that will bring more awareness and activity to the platform.

Business Development, Social Media, Jobs & Promotions

We understand that growth is contingent upon more than just SEO, content marketing, website optimisation and features. We believe this is a solid foundation to on-board users, house our content and kickstart our discoverability & marketing. We also have a strategy for:

  • Business Development
  • Social Media
  • Promotions & referrals
  • Getting jobs on the board
CanYa Growth & Development Strategy Gantt Chart. Subject to some minor changes in timing & priority due to dependencies.

What’s next?

We think that’s heaps for now!
But we will keep you up-to-date on :

  • Blog & Content Development
  • Feature Releases
  • SEO, Keyword Research & Content Plans
  • CanWork Cleanup
  • Promotional Plans
  • And more…

CanYa Vision & Binance Smart Chain Research

Later this month we will continue this series when we talk about:

2. CanYa — Brand & Vision
Plans to refresh the home page and clarify the larger vision for the ecosystem.

3. Binance Smart Chain — Research & Development
We answer community questions about our R&D, decentralised finance (DeFi) and show you how Binance Smart Chain is the missing piece of the CanYa puzzle.

Stay tuned…

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The official CanYa team, building a decentralised serviceplace