The bigger picture and the smaller details

Many people, myself included, say that sprints are the wrong metaphor for software development. When we think about the need to maintain a steady, sustainable pace, and the importance of avoiding burnout, the idea of the sprint can give us the wrong idea…

Do Repeat Yourself — returning to the Lead Developer conference

After such a positive experience at the Lead Developer conference last year, as soon as I saw this year’s announcement, I saved the date and started writing the email to get my company to pay for the ticket. Thankfully…

A design review checklist for non‑designers

The world of web design and development has changed enormously over the course of my career so far, and mostly for the better. In some ways, building websites has become much easier. In others, it’s become far more complex. While browser support for for…

Learning to Lead, Learning to Listen

On election day I went to Westminster. Not for political reasons, but to attend the Lead Developer conference. I’d been meaning to go ever since hearing good things about it from my colleague Tom Phethean, who went to the inaugural conference a couple of years ago…

Talking About How We Work

Following the previous blog post about our software engineering team culture that I wrote with my colleague Andrew Harmel-Law, I spoke about the subject at the January Drupal Show & Tell last night.

Capgemini Engineering
Capgemini Engineering
Capgemini Engineering team blog: Opinions expressed on this blog reflect the writer’s views and not the position of the Capgemini Group.
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