Top Stories published by Capita Ideas in 2017

5 questions with James Miles

This is excerpted from my regular newsletter, Capita Ideas. Subscribe here.

Today I am very pleased to share an interview with James Miles. James is the Executive Director of Arts Corps in Seattle. Arts Corps is a youth arts education organization that…

5 questions with Innovation Edge’s Sonja Giese

I am pleased to feature Sonja Giese of Innovation Edge in this week’s 5 questions with feature. Innovation Edge is a grant and investment fund focused on unconventional ideas that find solutions to early childhood care and education challenges in…

5 Questions with Samuel Hammond

This interview is excerpted from my regular newsletter, Capita Ideas. Subscribe here.

Samuel Hammond is a policy analyst in the Poverty and Welfare Program at the Niskanen Center, a libertarian think-tank in Washington, DC. He has written recently…

Capita Ideas
Capita is an independent, nonprofit startup ideas lab working at the intersections of research, public policy, social innovation, design, and the arts to ensure that all children and their families flourish.
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