Go to CardBoard It
CardBoard It
Providing valuable for today’s Product Managers, Designers and Developers
Note from the editor

Providing valuable for today’s Product Managers, Designers and Developers

Go to the profile of CardBoard
CardBoard is a simple tool to collaboratively discover your product, from user experiences to MVPs — think in product. cardboardit.com
Go to the profile of Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR
Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR
Indy based Entrepreneur and DJ writing about everything brand building, music, and tips to more fulfilling life.
Go to the profile of Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR
Iman Tucker | DJ IMN. TCKR
Indy based Entrepreneur and DJ writing about everything brand building, music, and tips to more fulfilling life.
Go to the profile of Adam Scroggin
Adam Scroggin
Mobile & Web app mechanic. Enjoy playing in product management, design and software engineering sandboxes.