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Cars & Code
The best place to learn about the latest Digital, IT, and Software trends in the Automotive world! Automotive experts share their hands-on experience and valuable insights from projects and discuss various challenges that Automotive faces. Read and get inspired!
Note from the editor

Welcome to Cars & Code, a publication dedicated to all things related to cars, transportation, and the technology that powers them. Our mission is to provide our readers with the latest news and insights from the world of cars and technology, along with analysis and commentary from our team of automotive and tech experts. We cover a wide range of topics here, from industry news to lessons learned, tips and tricks, and everything in between. We’ll be staying up-to-date on the latest advancements in vehicle technology and exploring the implications of these advancements for the future of transportation. Cars & Code is proudly brought to you by Jimmy Technologies, experts in software and application development for the automotive industry. Our team consists of industry professionals who have years of experience in the automotive and technology sectors. We hope you enjoy reading Cars & Code and look forward to providing you with the latest news and insights from this ever-evolving technology sector. Thank you for choosing Cars & Code!

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Jimmy Technologies
Leveraging the world’s best IT brains to build first-class software and shape the digital products in automotive, mobility, transportation and fintech.
Go to the profile of Martin Javier Stojka
Go to the profile of Jiří Štěpánek
Go to the profile of Jakub Drabik
Go to the profile of Pavel Kukolev