January, 2021 Monthly Report — Cartesi’s New Chapter — Scalable Smart Contracts built with Mainstream Software

Colin Steil
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2021

As of 2022 Descartes has now been renamed as Cartesi Compute.

January 29, 2021 What a month January has been. We’ve had a ton of exciting announcements that included major updates to Cartesi’s positioning, brand, and message. We are really excited about presenting the hard work we’ve done over the past few months to start 2021 fresh.

We were extremely proud to present Cartesi’s brand new website:

Alongside this, we announced our long-awaited Cartesi Rollups article, diving deep into how Cartesi Compute will be upgraded to support Optimistic Rollups and how this will enable smart contracts to scale and be coded with mainstream software stacks.

In addition, read on to learn more about us onboarding two CTSI Reserve Mining custodial partners: MyCointainer and Coinone, our Staking achievements, DApp Incubation Program Participant Achievements, a CTSI Foundation Reserve Transparency Report, and significant community updates.

Cartesi Rollups

Rollups are gaining attention and are currently being promoted by Vitalik as the backbone and future of scaling Ethereum.

We are currently working on upgrading Cartesi Compute to support Optimistic Rollups and are beyond excited to release our Cartesi Rollups article.

For the first time ever, developers will have an entire operating system for smart contracts. This means that developers can code smart contracts using any mainstream software they are used to, all while ensuring everything is scalable.

CTSI Reserve Mining, Staking, and Custodial Partners

During January, we reached several milestones in relation to CTSI Reserve Mining and Staking.

In less than a month after launch, we quickly grew to over $1,000,000 US in CTSI, and only a week later reached over $1,500,000 US in CTSI staked! We are extremely excited with our community’s growing participation and just yesterday we have reached $2,000,000 in CTSI staked.

In January, we also onboarded two custodial partners: MyCointainer and Coinone. For users who prefer not to setup their own node, they can simply use the services by either of these providers, who will hold your CTSI for you and stake it on your behalf. For more info, please see the relevant links!

We’re working on onboarding more custodial staking partners soon, and will have announcements as they are ready!

As a reminder for anyone who wants to join CTSI Reserve Mining, please see the links below!

Learn more: https://cartesi.io/mine

CTSI Foundation Reserve Transparency Report

We also released a transparency report around the January CTSI Foundation Reserve unlock

DApp Incubation Program Achievements

This was the third month of development for our DApp Incubation projects!

As we near the end of our first DApp incubation program, each team made significant progress towards integrating Cartesi and creating their DApps.

  • Creol conceived a solution for secure computations with the Cartesi machine that will be very robust not only for their use case but for IoT applications in general. We are excited for Creol’s third milestone, bringing Cartesi’s first Cartesi Compute IoT use case to production!
  • The SimThunder project is working toward its second milestone.
  • Carti the packaging system for Cartesi machines, successfully implemented the command line interface (CLI), making it possible to list packages, retrieve data and download Cartesi machines by getting data from the repository.

We will be continually providing updates for these projects and featuring the progress on their Cartesi DApps! We are looking forward to the final products and third milestones. As a reminder, after the incubation program period is over, we will hold a round of quadratic funding via Gitcoin!

Community Updates

We announced a strategic community partnership with DAO Maker. DAO Maker’s Social Mining SaaS will be supporting Cartesi (CTSI) to accelerate its ecosystem growth by allowing CTSI holders to be more engaging towards our project development, creating not only a flourishing but also an active and organic community.

The “Cartesi Hub” which is the implementation of Social Mining for Cartesi and CTSI, is immediately live. We are pleased to welcome our community to take part in tasks, and spread the word around Cartesi and its revolutionary technology that will help bring blockchain and DApps mainstream.

Join now: https://community.cartesi.io

In addition, our CEO Erick de Moura has been invited as an Expert for the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum. The Observatory was created as a European Parliament pilot project in 2018 and relies heavily on it’s community of experts to work towards an increased positive impact of blockchain on the European economy.

Erick also recently conducted an interview on the Crypto Coin Show, going into depth on Cartesi’s unique implementation of optimistic rollups, its advantages, what’s to come, and more!

Summary of Ecosystem Updates for January

Cartesi in the Media

Community Created Content

As our community continues to expand, we highlight some of the most noteworthy pieces of content created for Cartesi on a monthly basis. If you want to be featured in next month’s update, then please contact us at info@cartesi.io

Want to stay up to date? Make sure to join our announcements channel on Telegram:

