🌍 AfriMyth Origins — Part 1

The lore behind the NFT: meet our hero Kibuka as he speaks with the gods and learns of his destiny… 🔮

Sam van den Nieuwenhof
Cassava Network
3 min readMay 13, 2022


Cassava Network’s AfriMyth is based on a story told in three parts. Join us as we meet our hero Kibuka and learn of his epic quest to help the gods and save the world from certain destruction…

⚡️ Read Part 2 here ⚡️

Read Part 3 here ⚡️

Long ago, men and gods lived side by side on the Earth. Maintaining balance between them was Mawu-Lisa, the chief of all gods, who dictated how all were to live. The edicts put forth by Mawu-Lisa were laws that governed how deity was to interact with man, and the rituals man was to perform to merit consideration from the immortals.

Yet there were always those who dared to defy Mawu-Lisa, in ignorance or defiance, even knowing the great punishment that awaited them — banishment to Asamando, the underworld. For the gods, this meant the rest of eternity in darkness, surrounded by the wailing souls of the dead. For mortals, this meant death, as only the soul was permitted to cross the threshold into Asamando.

This threat kept life on earth idyllic and orderly for millennia. Humans wanted for nothing, and so their desires were kept in check. And the gods, egotistical as they are, were content with their place in the pantheon of heaven.

But humans are flawed creatures and the ego of gods hard to sate. After generations of peace and happiness, Tano, the God of Strife, became restless with the way things were.

It was his desire for more power that drove Tano to conspire to drive a wedge between men and the deities.

“If gods are meant to be all-powerful,” he wondered “why can’t I have all the power?”

And so he set out in the darkness of night, searching for a co-conspirator.

In the souls of men he found few that possessed the constitution he required: bravery, strength, and unbound ambition. He heard tale of a man named Kibuka, a brave warrior equal parts just and wise who lived humbly in a small village.

One evening, while Kibuka bathed in a nearby river, Tano approached and made his appeal. As Kibuka would never willingly wage war against the gods, Tano set about tricking him. Appearing to him in the mask of a benevolent spirit, Tano spun a tale of discord and civil strife among the gods, caused by an unholy artifact that had become cursed. This artifact — a golden scepter held in Mawu-Lisa’s capital of Kilimanjaro — was powerful enough to corrupt the minds of immortals and turn them against each other. The scepter’s curse blinded the afflicted immortals to its corrupting nature, however, mortal men of simple minds would not feel its effects. Only a simple yet courageous man like Kibuka could save the world from certain destruction.

To be continued…

Cassava Network’s AfriMyth is a composable NFT collection. Over a series of months, different components of the NFT will be distributed to community members. Once you have all the pieces, you can combine them to create your own unique AfriMyth NFT avatar.

These NFTs are a homage to our African origins, borrowing from different African cultures from around the continent.

Holding a complete AfriMyth NFT will also allow you to earn $CSV rewards after our token goes live.

Make sure you’re following all our channels for the latest updates on the NFT drop, and be sure to watch for Part 2 of our story ✨

The Cassava Team 🎁

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